So Chimera Shot is the new and improved Lava Burst

Yeah… that’ll probably be our only hope.
Hurray for a 3 min CD for a chance at living.

A skilled hunter at 60 is going to literally make people quit pvp if not wow all together. It is that bonkers.

Spriest are still pretty good but not like hunter is going to be in the “right” hands.

Druids were removed from pvp completely so you don’t have to worry about getting on them at all.

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i might have to adjust my rankings then i guess.

probably be like:

hunter> shadow priest= ele sham>>rogue and so on.

Um no.

Spriest Maybe but I would say geared warrior then Spriest.

Ele sham is dead last DPS on ptr. They have to cast and have zero push back protection. They’re actually easy to kill right now with the over nerfs.


Ele sham/Enhance

And then it drops way off to near unplayable specs like

Any tank SPEC


This whole thread is shaman who suck at the game. Their opinions hold no value to anyone under any circumstances. It’s the equivalent of a child telling you they are good at some activity, take horseshoes for example. The child thinks he’s doing good, but really he’s standing right next to the pit throwing horseshoes at the pole. These shaman have no idea what is going on, they simply press buttons and expect success.

That was my assessment as well.

After burning a good chunk of good will in P3 with Incursions and a meh raid…and making it go for over 3 months to burn the rest of it…

This patch could actually sink SoD outight.

shaman have been op since phase 2 and are still op, dont complain about any other class

is this duels or group pvp?

changes the equation a bit if so.

According to the people who are already ranking in my guild… Ranged Hunters are just turning WSG off to everyone else.

(And my personal execution by hunter was out in Felwood…so it seems like both as far as Hunter. I don’t imagine SPriest is any different. Warrior maybe.)

Player in my guild, in Discord literally just now:
“So how would you hunters feel if they take frost trap out of the game? Its currently broken
Been getting rocked all day, frost trap, chimera , dead”

heh .

its gonna be a scary world out there.

ima get into some pvp now on my enh shaman (i know im gonna get abused).

Ima go do dishes… more exciting prospect and likely less frustrating.

Maybe I’ll finally get that garage cleaned out. Haven’t listened to the latest Perun-narrating-a-slide-show-to-me yet.

imagine blue parsing shaman complaining about other classes on the forums

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imagine being so wrong that youve been corrected at least 4 times this thread and still continue to spam like you werent completely wrong the whole time.

must be nice.

its only bad because it is not another OP shaman spell.

Funny to hear the shaman who has been pretty much gods for what like two phases now complaining, ROFL


(Hunters have been broken the entire time- shamans got the spotlight because they’re faction restricted… but good try!)


I would say this is close for all pvp scenarios outside of moving Rogue up a few spots when it comes to world pvp. But if you do that you have to move Ele/enhance down because they’re dog water in world pvp right now on PTR.

Who knows if there is a big numbers patch coming but I doubt it being as its almost wed.

Hunter doesn’t scale for crap with gear so it will even out a bit. Thats not the issue.

The issue is Hunters incredible tool kit. Traps in combat are just silly, and low cooldowns to boot. You can infinitely kite someone.

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Really Shamans crying about another class, when they have been the most OP class by a long way in the last 2 phases and P4 is going to be the same

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Imagine shamans complaining about pvp LOL

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there’s no way I see shamans complaining about another class being OP.

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