So Cenarius is a half robot

If the Eternals are Robots, and The Winter Queen is Elune’s Sister:
Then Elune is an Eternal.

If the Eternals are Robots, And Elune is an Eternal
Then Elune is a Robot.

If Cenarius is the offspring of that one time when Elune canonically was intimate with Malorne (which means she was with a deer, eww).
Then Cenarius is half-deer/half-robot

This means the Keepers of the Grove and Dryads are also 1/4 robot.
Since the Centaurs are the direct offspring of a Keeper of the Grove and Princess Theradras (also eww)
This means the Centaurs are 1/8 robot.

So the next time you do a quest in the Barrens or Desolace to kill some Centaur, keep in mind that they are cyborgs… because reasons.

Not really going anywhere with this. Just pointing out that the new “lore” from Danuser has interesting and stupid side effects that trickle down.

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I guess it’s a metaphor of how this game has become to be honest more machine then man as obi wan put it.

I can’t remember the last time I was in Desolace on any character.

Odd, it used to be one of my favorite places to visit.

I was so mad when it stopped giving me rep for killing them so I could never get to exalted. Gelkis Clan > Magram Clan

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Pretty much… which is why I made a similar post yesterday asking about Elune… That one simple ‘man this would be cool if we did this’ convo that they had at the office has major implications throughout the total of the lore… and really destroys a lot of the lore that I loved. Which is why he should never be allowed to write for Blizzard again.

Seems confusing to me the way you put it.

I’m not sure why so many people are so hung up on the “robot” thing.

Literally half of the playable races we’re posting on are evolved constructs.

Have y’all just not been paying attention?

:robot: + :deer: = :deer: :robot: :fallen_leaf:

:deer: :robot: :fallen_leaf: + :mountain_snow: = :racehorse: :man_kneeling: :robot:

People get so angry as soon as this game even brushes Sci-Fi.
It’s been Sci fi for a long time now, and people still get fussy about it.

It’s like reading Harry Potter and getting mad every time they use magic…

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No I think it’s more like if they came out with a new Tolkien book that discusses that Sauron was actually a robot, and the maiar and valar were robots too, and they were just one pantheon of super space robots, and there are other super space robot pantheons as well.

Then the super space robots from the other pantheon came to the realm of the original space robot pantheon to have space robot wars… meanwhile poor Aragorn just wants to go fight some orcs and save a village or two from trolls with his friends.

Except Tolkien’s work is the archetype of Traditional fantasy.

Meanwhile WoW has had Science Fiction influence since it’s earliest days. (WarCraft 3 at least. Almost 20 years ago). Of course those influences are going to blossom over almost 20 years.

Yeah, but it’s reached a point where it’s just ridiculous.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved Wildstar, but this isn’t Wildstar.

It would even be fine if it was somehow done less terribly with some actual respect to the lore, but if the above comparisons seem contrived and silly, well that’s because it’s contrived and silly.

Or maybe you’re just making contrived and silly comparisons.

Warcraft has been steampunk since WCII, and robot gods have been a thing since Wrath of the Lich King - 14 years ago. None of this is new.

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How is this any more rediculous than Fighting Kael’thas in a reprogrammed Draenei space ship? Or Learning That Ulduar and all the Titan Constructs are basically a giant super computer?

Remember Uldum, when we learned that all the Egyptian themed Tol’vir gods are basically Titan Security Software?

Don’t get me wrong I’m not happy with the ending of Shadowlands. But saying that the Jailer and all the covenant leaders are Robotic constructs may as well be the Sunday news.

Or Uldaman in Vanilla, where we interacted with a literal computer console.

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pretty sure that’s what “The Rings of Power” is about