So, casual pvp is literally impossiple right now

You can still slow grind random BGs for conquest points, but it’s gonna take at least 88 wins to get a single 700 CP piece and every other BG is going to be a fully geared team premading for honor.

Enjoy Shadowlands :slight_smile:


TBC soon, just need to farm your honor resil gear from BG’s when you hit max level (can start @58) and you’re set to have fun.


Sure but in SL the base conquest set isn’t the best for pvp. In mop you didn’t have to upgrade your pvp gear once you had the conquest set you had the best pvp gear.

So you could have no rating and have the best pvp gear.


Lmao what are you talking about? Ofc it’s the best because base conquest can be upgraded to 226 while base honor is stuck at 197.

By “the base conquest set” I mean when it’s at ilvl 200 which isn’t the best. The upgraded to 226+233 weapons are best.

In mop, you didn’t need a rating to get the bis pvp set. But you could complete it much faster with a rating.


Ohh I see what you’re saying, yeah MoP gearing is def. superior but apparently Ion wants to go back to WoD gearing in 9.1 lmao.

The saddest part is that this whole gearing system failed on him and he still says “WoD style gearing WITH SL style gearing mixed in” while not admitting how much this blew up in his face.

I think they want to go WoD style of pvp gearing because they want pvp gear to match valor point gear. Both of which will be lower ilvl than mythic raid gear.

I kinda prefer the current system because PvPers don’t have to PvE for gear anymore and we also can use our gear in PvE situations too without having two sets of gear.

Don’t get me wrong, I hate rating locked gear but PvP gear as a side effect has become more meaningful than ever before.


I think you are all gearing wrong. I would suggest using the set you get from the Cov quest line and leveling it up with anima to 197. (Doesn’t take a ton). Buy only PvP honor rings, neck, trinkets from PvP vendor. Then grind conquest by making sure each day you do the daily BG quests which total is over 100 conquest. Do the weekly PvP quests, and upgrade the Cov set pieces without Vers first with Conquest gear. If you just do your daily/weekly quests you will be able to purchase 1 conquest piece a week and 1 vault piece. You can expedite this process by grinding more conquest in YOLO RBGs. Once you get your Vers to a respectable level, then start grinding your preferred ranked PvP to get to 1400 to start upgrading your co quest gear.

I don’t think blizzard liked world first guilds using 233 pvp weapons.

Also, the people pushing top-tier m+ are running a lot of pvp gear for the vers.

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Feelsbadman, this is the first time PvPers don’t have to PvE and all the PvE kids complain :frowning:

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/cries in Venthyr

I believe WoW is way more competitive in nature then it used to be. With the race to world firsts, M+ levels, PvP ranks… everyone is pushing for any advantage they can get. IMO there shouldn’t be a crossover between PvP and PvE content. I get why Bliz does this so you don’t have to grind multiple sets of gear, but guess what, people already do have 2,3,4 or more situational set of gear.

The only way to fix this is to go old school and have PvP power as a stat. This ensures PvP gear isn’t BiS for PvE and vice versa. The PvP gear could still be used in whatever, but just wouldn’t be optimal. You could also turn on PvP power in things like Torghast which is a required content for everyone and thus no reason for anyone to have advantage.


Players don’t want to do other content B to be best at content A. And blizzard wants gear from content B to be competitive in content A but not BiS. But they haven’t exactly hit that goal.

A huge improvement they made was make the pvp trinkets give a huge bonus to vers. And giving all pvp gear a heavy vers weighting.

The problem is that they didn’t make vers a pvp only stat so PvE kids are buying boosts for gear which is how this whole thread about boosting and gear disparity even started haha.


But only helps on offense, wish it gave defensive bonus also.

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You do realize there will be no honor gear in season 1?

Kind of why I gave up playing my melee alts this expansion. Besides this character my other specs just get massacred in 2 seconds. I play ranged alts now. At least with a range alt at 29k health I can kite and get away from a 40k health monk deleting people from the game with rival gear

Great game blizzard!


Covenant set at 197 is the same garbage that rank 7 pvp gear you still get bursted vs premades or mains.

The issue is design here, nothing with parroting memes like “g1t gUd” is gonna do anything when you get crit by 15-25k.

Also feels like having 15%+ increased damage you still hit like wet noodle to those mains anyway you barely have enough time to react to 1-2 shots. Sure having a 6-7% dmg taken decrease at ilvl 197 isnt gonna do much but clearly we’re suffering from the lack of testing from the alpha/beta.


Yup the devs obviously dont car about pvp.
The old system was fine. You got honor gear then BIS conquest gear with your 10 wins a week. It was a much better system and the gear gap wasnt as bad.