So can the Night Elves get their lands back or

So all orcs are responsible for the genocidal actions of the first horde? All blood/high elves are responsible for the sundering? All trolls are responsible for g’huun? All humans are responsible for the tauren camp? All draenei are responsible for the actions of the eradar within the legion? All forsaken are responsible for the actions of the scourge? That isn’t how it works, sorry.

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No, I like the long smoky walks on the beach and making ash castles.

I’m thinking of opening a resort.

Except in this world, it literally is how it works.

The Forsaken joined the horde because they were rejected for what they were and what they did by the Alliance.

Jaina and the Alliance STILL hold the Horde responsible for everything Garrosh did.

Jaina’s father held Thrall’s Horde responsible for what happened during the first and second war.

You’re literally trying to argue lore, while ignoring things that happen within the lore.

That’s literally the cycle that keeps happening in this game.

Something bad happens, people can’t let it go and hold all tied to the perpetrator responsible. They do something bad in return and the cycle continues.

That’s what the whole “Break the cycle” crap Saurfang talks about is referring to.
For everyone to STOP holding everyone responsible for things others did as it only leads to more hatred and more violence.

Totally on board with that! If the total withdrawl of Horde forces from the NE lands is not part of this new found “peace” between the two factions, I say the NEs invite the Worgen to join them in a little rebellion of our own. Once we reclaim our lands, we will return the favor and help you retake yours.


I’d like this.
Then the Horde has all rights to finish what they started and wipeout the entire NE race.

They can take their best shot but right now, I am not sure they have what it takes.

Well during a quest the root of Nordrassil became saturated with Azerite. I see the land being restored as a new/returning home for the Night Elves.

10,000 Years is a heck of a long time to hold a Grudge. Jeez

Since the Thrall horde have divorced themselves from Sylvanas’ actions, there is no reason for them to keep those lands.
In fact, to keep them would be an act of aggression.
Which means Blizzard will ignore it, because the devs are like, “Oh. We didn’t think about that.”

Wouldn’t actually be that hard.
An axe to the back of the head and their 2nd strongest fighter is crippled, again.
Tyrande is going to burn out, literally, because the power she has will literally consume her body.

when dealing with elves you find those numbers quite often sadly, they live too long =P

The NE are essentially negligent to the plot now though.
Kill them off and let’s move on.

azshara = was an elf
Sylvanas = was an elf / is an elf zombie
Illidan = was an elf… now hes a … demon elf?
druids that caused the worgen curse = elves

you know this isnt looking very good…
then you have those pesky blood elves… sucking everyones life force out and what not =P

You forget the guy that did that, he is now dead (RIP Saurfang) and that was only because Malfurion was busy owning Sylvanas at the time. And I think people are under estimating Tyrande or making a bit too much out of Anduin’s passing comment. Saying he fears she might be consumed by vengeance doesn’t automatically mean she is falling to the power of the “night warrior”. She could be in complete control over that power but just unwilling to accept letting the Horde get away with what they did.

I peed all over Theramore a long time ago. Free Real Estate.

Actually, I’m not even thinking about what Anduin says.
The lore of the Night Warrior itself says that.
Even those who survive the ritual are ultimately consumed by it’s power and die.

Where did you see that? I never read anything outside of almost everyone that has performed the ritual ended up being killed by it.

our heros dont die… well varyian did… yay the one person i liked beside genn, anyway, most get trapped in icecubes or volintold to planet errand boy duty. Tye will probably get stuck as a tree somewhere judging by blizzs bad writing…

They killed off the most interesting Alliance character and the faction just got boring.

if you mean varyian idk… i liked his attitude but he was pretty cleche warmongering hero. Thing i liked was he wouldnt hesitate to defend alliance lands… his pretty boy son takes charge and we loose a good quarter of a continent…