10 Characters
I think most break pretty reliably within a global of direct damage, the exception being blinding sleet. Curious to see what it looks like next patch, though!
Personally, I’m looking forward to paralysis not immediately breaking to the hunter (it’s almost always a hunter) randomly doing damage to the opposing healer.
Stomp has a surprisingly big radius!
Im just excited to not have a fae dragon missile or solstice falling star that is already in the air with travel time break a cc instantly XD
We hear your complaints, and now make every other CC not reliably break on damage. - Blizz
P.S. Money pleeeeeeeze
Since a bunch of abilities that previously broke on damage are getting damage thresholds, can they also no longer remove dots?
I am sick of paladins immediately clearing thunderous roar. Worst thing i’ve had happen is a monk paralysis off deep wounds as soon as I cast demolish so I’m just doing 45% less damage.
Yeah, I’d agree to that. Dot clearing is more annoying than CC breaking.
Why would you grief by DRing trap though.
If the hunter on my team presses trap, I generally don’t feel the need to press paralysis.
But they invariably trap me when on the opposing team and seem to forget it when on mine.
Not the mage root. I’ve been deleted while be chained rooted with no dr. This needs to break on damage as should sleet.
That does break.
It does DR. You just get single–>1/2–>1/4th during veins with spams.
Mage root does, it just gets reapplied 3x from frost mages.
which one? There’s like five or six sources of roots from frost mage on I think three separate DRs?
I thought hunter trap root from tar only one off dr
My b. Forgot about the excess frost change.
Did mages not have some combination of other roots that are on separate DRs though? I can’t find anyone to be my target dummy to test atm.
Not since shadowlands iirc!