So boosting players for gold in SM and Mara = good, but paid boosts to 58 = bad? C'mon, man!

You are like many that seem to miss the point I was trying to make, but that is because I was not very clear. I am not in favor of any boosts. But, I find it interesting that we are not more angry about dungeon boosts. There are way more opportunities for RMT because of it. Yet, now that there is an official boost… now people are getting angry in the forums and rage quitting. Hypocritical, imo.

The paid boost offered by blizzard helps stop RMT for ingame dungeon boosts so i am for this.

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I think we can all agree this was done from a big monetary standpoint, but blizzard is opening the path for players to come play TBC when they had no interest in Classic or did not play Classic - being mentioned in the video/blizzcon stream and site post.

Classic leveling is clearly seen as a barrier for entry, because it is a long journey that players (some) will not take in.

I’m fine with the boost for this sole purpose. More players the better.

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Just because players boost does not mean we think blizzard boosts are ok. That also does not mean we are ok with players boosting. There is nothing we can do about mages carrying people through dungeons. That does not mean that Blizzard should implement paid boosts either though.

I think the group of players who don’t want to put in the time and would rather pay for the shortcut despite having plenty of time to prepare a level 60 in advance are the same type of people who will dip out of TBC in P1 after a few Kara runs. They’re even giving rerolling Alliance Shamans and Horde Paladins an opportunity to level up before the dark portal opens.

Those people are here for the new 40-50 hours of gameplay before it becomes stale to them and move on to the next game.

You’re being narrow minded. The arguments against boosts are valid. Boosts are an easy way for bots to flood the game. It’s a problem in retail. The less resistance there is to max level, the more bots there will be.

It also gives people an easy avenue for an extra profession transmute or two, making an already inflated market even more so.

Anyone dismissing arguments against boosts either doesn’t understand the points I mentioned, or just wants to troll/argue about something.

Eh, arguments against boosts aren’t really valid. Bots already bot up an account to max level in a week, an extra boost won’t impact things at all if Activision doesn’t care to actively ban them.

People are already boosting, difference is right now they’re real-money-trading to do so. They buy gold then pay a mage to fully-afk-boost them through dungeons. At least the TBC level 58 boost is free from my understanding.

I’m sure there are a lot of people who want to casually arena but not spend 100 hours just to get to where everyone else is starting from. And if a lot of the tourists quit, who cares? That happens regardless, but with a 58 boost there is at least a chance more people will stuck around that would have otherwise not even tried the expansion because they would be starting at level 1.

Do keep in mind, loads of people buying boosts are also buying gold to pay for those boosts… so really real money is being traded either way. It would be interesting if they made these boosts purchasable with in game gold, would at least serve as a sink to suck the gold out of the economy.

Now as someone who has leveled 5 (nearly 6 60s with no boosting and after the 3rd 60 I couldn’t even get a dungeon group so the rest were done with 100% quests) I DONT like the idea of boosting. All these people just having a free pass does kind of de-value the achievment of those who put in the work. But at the same time, I could not get an organic group for anything on 2 runs from 1-60. That shows how bad the boosting situation is at the moment. The fact is so few are actually interested in the leveling journey. If it just means everyone is paying bots for boosts using gold farmed or bought then if Blizz wants to add a boost or not doesn’t really change anything.

And for anyone saying sitting AFK in a dungeon while someone boosts you is work or effort has one really low bar for what can be considered effort or a grind.

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Neither are ok you absolute goof.

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First, I don’t think it’s going to be free, which raises the argument of greedy Activi$ion PTW.

Second, why do you think people feel the need to RMT right now?

People are RMT buying gold to mage boost their alts because the Classic economy has gotten so inflated as the game has gone on.

The economy has gotten so inflated because of the bot problem, programs guiding bots to grind 24/7. Money is literally in infinite supply and can be created out of thin air in WoW (when you kill a level 50ish mob, a few silver pieces are newly generated into the game’s economy)

The issue is that any normal human doesn’t have time to continuously generate this kind of slow-but-steady wealth in-game, but a bot can.

If bots weren’t an issue, the economy wouldn’t be so inflated, the price for a mage boost wouldn’t be so high, and the average player could probably buy a mage boost out of their own in-game coffers instead of RMT buying gold.

Okay, so they’re cheating. Therefore, instead of doing more to punish the cheaters, you want to legitimize it?

Correct me if I’m wrong, but people buying gold is a bad thing, yeah?

What the hell is with all the whataboutism?

This is from personal experience, but people in my casual dad guild feel forced to buy gold to pay for consumes in Naxxramas because they work full time jobs, and they can’t find the time to grind it out on the days they do have free time. On top of that, we’re getting our first fledgling GDKP runs and many people have so little gold that any amount they buy from RMT would blow everyone else out of the water.

That’s just one experience, of course, and from a low pop casual PvE server.

This is from personal experience, but you can spend about 10 minutes a day and make thousands of gold a week.

Learn to play the auction house. /shrug

No, I completely agree.

Just telling you why some of my guildies felt desperate, as stupid as it was and still is.

No MMO has been able to completely remove gold sellers. If they didn’t offer a payed boost, people would just be repeating the same process of paying for gold and buying boosts off prot paladins.

While you are correct, these problems stem from the source of blizzard being unable to crackdown on botters and gold buyers/sellers sufficiently. I am also a realist, if they haven’t done a single thing in all of classic vanilla, it isn’t happening in TBC. Either they don’t have the resources to tackle the level of botting happening right now or are just willing to accept that the problem is too big for them to deal with.

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ya why can’t we just pay $40-60 like back in 2007

sounds like having a guilding boost you as well so whats your point?

They will be geared and ready to multibox

you must be new here

A few people in my old guild openly admitted to buying gold on a regular basis. I report them every time I see them and include screenshots of them admitting it.

Sadly, nothing has come of it, so I’m inclined to believe Blizzard doesn’t care. If anything, adding paid boosts seems totally congruent with that: they like the idea of people paying real life money for in-game benefits, so long as they get paid for it.

Alright. And?

Okay, so this is a “they’re going to cheat, anyway, so Blizzard might as well profit instead and make it not cheating” argument?

But even the people who are cheating to buy gold are still having to pay someone to actually play the game. They still have to log in and get boosted over 100+ hours. Even the gold they bought still has to be earned by someone playing the game (or a bot, I suppose).

Even assuming EVERYONE being boosted bought gold (which is horrendously inaccurate), it’s notably better than instant 58 with full blues, training, and a mount.

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“playing the AH” is a zero-sum game. if half your guild isn’t doing it, none makes any money at all.

I don’t understand the anger. Guys, if half the raid is boosted, our enjoyment of the game remains the same.

Only the 1-58 leveling is less crowded. However, without boosts, the 1-58 zones are still empty. Nothing is changed with or without the 58 boost option.

And remember, it’s only one paid 58 boost.

Blizzard’s boost or Chinamen’s boost, my enjoyment of the game is the same. I don’t see those people till late game dungeon/pvp. Why the hate?