So boosting players for gold in SM and Mara = good, but paid boosts to 58 = bad? C'mon, man!

Please tell me how one is bad and the other is okay. Asking for a friend.

Edit: I am only wondering why people are angry now. Last year would have been better timing.


I think the biggest argument is you at least ill have to have some interaction and it’s boring to sit in dungeons so at least you have to work for it in some ways.

I personally don’t think there’s anything wrong with it it’s one character per account if he were in a boost anyway I don’t think it’s that big of a deal.

Not only that that gets a lot harder in BC Prop paladins are going to be the new kings of doing that and it’s not the same thing majors could pull entire raids and instances to do that you’re not gonna have that luxury with prop paladins at least night the beginning.

Maybe late game you’ll see paladins boosting through normal dungeons but I can’t see the meal to do her OX on their own I just can’t.

I’m more just happy to see their open to changes Dual spec that’s all I gotta say.

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I agree… I don’t see the big deal with allowing paid 58 boosts. There are way more restrictions on it than in retail, which is good. I find paying for level boosts with gold is worse, as this actually feeds the bot problems we are seeing.

I am just not getting all the rage, when it felt to me, that the Devs were really providing us with a balanced approach for TBC Classic.


They just want our money with out saying they’re doing it for the money.

We don’t like either of them, but there a distinct difference between players creating it themselves within the game, and Blizzard as a company actively supporting it.


I get that complaint… but I don’t think the people paying for a single boost really care about Classic, anyway. I love leveling up, and I love Classic… so I will never pay for it.

Except… buying dungeons boosts facilitates bot activity. One paid boost is not as bad imo. Just saying.


And Blizzard boosting won’t?

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Depends if it is one boost per account or per account on each We don’t know this, yet (not that I have heard). So, if it just one per account then it would definitely be better.

They are both bad, OP.

Happy to help.


Gold buying at this point is insane. So your argument is flawed

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Agreed :slight_smile:

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What does gold buying have to do with my point?

My bad… I must be tired and thought you were referring to my argument.

What’s worse someone who illegally buys gold and boosts the gold back to a gold farmer or a one time 58 boost who comes in game with zero resources. It’s not even debatable


The point being that players are buying gold for the dungeon boosts, which isn’t exactly creating within the game. Which is the flaw in your argument.

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How do you know gold is being bought for dungeon boosts? I could boost a character right now to 60 if I wished to without buying gold.

No doubt some are, but once more that just supports the other point we have all been screaming over, to crack down on RMT as a whole.

Having 58 boosts from launch is objectively better for the overall health of TBC Classic. There will be many players who wouldn’t have played TBC solely because they feel too far behind and can’t be bothered leveling 1-60, which is understandable. Having a boost lowers the barrier to entry and evens the playing field a bit more, and allows anyone to have that “TBC launch day” experience going through the Dark Portal.

Anyone complaining about it either doesn’t understand the points I mentioned, or just wants to troll/argue about something.

Both have the same impact on the game, but Blizzard’s hands-off approach with Classic kinda tells you it won’t go hard on RMT so it ended up being a win-win for them.

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Agreed regarding RMT… I would rather they stopped dungeon boosts than allowing level 58 paid boosts. I just do not agree with the rage pointed at Blizzard, when there are more damaging boosts currently in-game. We should be raging about SM and Mara boosts, then imo.

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