So BM Hunter has been feeling HORRIBLE in PvP..and just found out they stealth nerfed Kill Command

So in PvP they applied a 20% stealth nerf to Kill Command in PvP Combat. So if anyone was wondering why all of sudden their damage just plummeted off a cliff this is exactly why. They basically completely offset the Kill Command buffs by doing a PvP stealth nerf aura. Here is the link to someone finding the hidden data.


BM is literally worse off than it was at the expansion launch. Blizz needs to revert these changes in a hotfix ASAP.


I think they actually mentioned it and they called it a “Fix” because it was meant to be applied but wasn’t currently being applied. SO yeah, but i’m right there with you bm is horrible. Theres pretty much no reason to not play the other specs or a different character really. I have 2 hunters and I have always had one be BM and i mean for like 10 years its been bm and I’m about to just respec it.

Same I’ve loved BM since I started WoW back in BC. They really have just roller coastered this spec into oblivion. This heavy handed nerfing in the beginning of an expac really turns me off completely from this game.


It isn’t a nerf, it’s an offset to the 18% KC buff, big distinction.
So if your KC did 100k damage Monday, it’ll still be doing 100k today.

But you’re not factoring in this additional change:

All damage dealt by you and your pet’s abilities increased by 8%

So KC is actually 8% stronger in PVP today than it was last week (as well as all your other damage, although the Basilisk Collar nerf slashes some of these buffs. But we are still marginally stronger).

We are however squishier this patch.

As for feeling horrible in PVP, I can’t comment on Arenas because I dislike them, but for BGs BM has been feeling pretty great. Ramping up and training down targets is feeling really satisfying and as always BM is super mobile.

I noticed BM is feeling a bit trashy now.
Did they literally reduce my pets leech? lmao

“Passive” burst is down considerably because of all the damage the pets are not doing now while having 2+ dots on the target which happened during bursts usually. The only tradeoff is the base extra 8% damage you do, like with barbed shot, black arrow, etc. and the base 8% damage on pets which is a loss of damage on pets starting at 2 dots.

The call of the wild with stomp and bloodshed very passive "just let the pets kill everything while you hide or spam your utility"is nerfed I think. I wonder if there is another build that can be better now, one that perhaps puts more enphasis on damage the hunter does and also more “less dots required, better at switching targets” damage you would do with kill command. it feels like that, more sustain, less burst. I’m guessing this is why people is feeling like the spec is worse now, way harder to secure kills even if overall damage hasn’t changed much.

Some people at the beginning were not using Bloodshed until they started doing so, might be time to drop it entirely and look for more damage elsewhere.

Are you like…completely forgetting about the gutting damage to Basilisk Collar? In Solo Shuffle this talent is an absolute must have if you want to do any meaningful damage. Also 100k Kill Commands are literally paper damage. My Kill Commands before this nerf were hitting anywhere between 300-400k Crits. Right now the max I top out on crits with max DoTs on target are around 150k-250k.

This stealth nerf in PvP was completely unjustified and made the 5% ST damage nerf in PvE feel like a tiny slap on the wrist compared to them not compensating Kill Command in PvP.

Ah…yes this makes a lot of sense now on why you feel like BM is somehow still viable damage. I don’t care about Casual random BGs, I care about pushing rating in Solo Shuffles and 2s.


That was a better system because that meant slapping on some DoTs as opposed to repeating a focus-builder. Then again, I used to main Affliction for 12 years.

We can thank the ones who thought that DoT uptimes was “toxic design” despite that BMs are still going to have to do that anyway.