So Blood is great?

I only see posts about unhappy ppl with frost and unholy, is that correct to assume that blood is in a great position right now?

Only if you want to troll people in random battle grounds…


Is that the reason why you made specificaly a Troll DK :laughing:


Pfft, I’m having a great time as Blood in shuffle.

Please explain…
I am currently gearing my DK and would love to know how to Troll in Battlegrounds….

15 second grip + chains (or grasp of the dead) lets you sort of kidnap some lower mobility classes, like Priests. Walking Dead is also an interesting Honor talent that turns off Monks ability to Roll and Flying Serpent Kick.

There’s also just generally being hard to kill if you plan out your medallion/ibf/sleet/ams/vamp/potion.

Another fun gimmick is soloing Ashran boss although it’s very easy to be spotted doing this, lol.


yes. :+1:t5: :+1:t5: :+1:t5:


You have a lot of control and can’t die.
I can bait a whole team away from objectives and the rest of my team wins it depending how many windows they licked that day.

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Everyone has a BDK alt.
When BDK is not top, ppl play their mains.
BDK not good dmg in m+ atm, which usually decides meta.
So ppl play meta or their first love and super don’t care enough to complain about their 3rd or 4th BDK alt. Just like Blizz.

Blood is great. It’s a very fun tank to play.

I hear it’s the lowest M+ tank or something, but I do 14-15s fine as a tank so meh, and usually tie with the third dps. Maybe they’re just not the best, but we beat it nonetheless.

I just like not entirely relying on a healer; the healer is more of a back up for BDks, at least at the level I play at. I am sure if I tried to go for 20s that would change.

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I believe most of tanks do not rely that much on healers though :sweat_smile:

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I suppose that’s true lol. I need to try BM again because I liked the combat style, but I felt REALLY dependent on a good healer which is just an awful feeling. Then again I might have just sucked at it lol!

True… monk is the most healer dependant, i wished they gave fistweaving skills into brew tree… this could be a good “support/tank”

You talking PvP or PvE? In PvP is a meme. Straight up. In PvE Blood is good until you get to the bleeding edge level of keys. Stricktly due to how spikey damage is Blood just cant live in the 28+ level of keys because of how we handle damage intake. In raiding, Blood is still one of if not the best progression raiding tanks in the game. If anything, I would say the only thing blood would need to be viable in all aspects of PvE at any level would be a 5% buff to WotN so 40% DR rather than 35% DR.


Pve, it’s kind of weird playing a tank in vp imo