So Blizzard just straight up DELETED our characters?

Hmmmm, makes me wonder if I can get a GM to restore them on era than.

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It doesn’t matter that you don’t believe me.

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You can only try, it would be via a ticket, don’t forget to mention they are actually there. It’s probably just a flag that needs changing, whether they are allowed to do it is another matter. Asking for it to be escalated would be the way to go.

It apparently doesn’t to blizzard either

The quoted poster did in fact lie, or misinform.
Factually the things he mentioned didn’t line up.

I think Savix tried live on stream to restore, but the customer service (GM) couldn’t do that. Reminder that he also paid for the restoration service, but never logged in on his character, thus losing it in process.

They are just mad they waited too long and have to level again

How much yu wanna bet even if they still have clones they STILL be on here crying because they then have to buy a character transfer.

Proof? /10char


I mean, blizzard also told us they deleted the original source code of vanilla WoW which was a 100% lie. So take their statement about the state of classic-vanilla characters with a grain of salt.

Just level a new character though really… vanilla is about the journey, after all these years may as well do it again.

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They have never said that, and if you had any idea at all you would know they used the legion server code for Classic 2019 not the 2004 code. Something it seems I mention at least once in every thread when someone brings up that nonsensical argument.

The old code was altered until it was nothing like the code in 2004.

The data is gone, accept it.

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They told us for years and years all the way back since wrath when people were begging for vanilla servers that they did not have the source code. This was a lie in blizzards own admission.


The source code was leaked and open sourced, very different from a bunch of character data in a db.

Source code takes very little space compared to character data.

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They had data for recreation of the code within a modern client. They did not have all of the vanilla references.

You actually need to go outside and touch grass.

They either have the data or can re-create it. Either way we can get it if we ask enough.


All you people defending blizzard are the reason why we need to design our own servers.

We need to play amongst our own demographics because having to share servers with you disdainful ppl is the worst.

I believe there is some kind of corruption going on with a conflict of interest between the joint partnership of classic Andies/retailers/devs, against all other demographics.

Just a tin foil hat theory of mine so I’m not going to elaborate on any more than that…

But their actions do nothing to dissuade me of that theory, quite the opposite.


Could you please show me that admission?

The source code for the servers was changed little by little so it ended up very different to the original. Anyway they used Legion server code for Classic 2019.

What are all these classic andies/retails/devs now? Will this help bring our clones back?

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When blizzard confirmed they did have the source code, but needed to gather it together in one place. They stated for years they did not have the code at all which was a total lie, implicitly to blizzards own admission when they revealed they had the capability to rebuild vanilla wow.


I am in absolute shock. Just found this thread after logging in for the first time in months- I still pay even when I was not playing. Please tell me this is a bad dream. Where is my alts?

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They’re the primary target audience/developmental force behind all the decisions made lately with how WoW is being handled.

Doubt it. They’re using a short-term business plan designed to be a cash grab as much as possible, which is why there were no TBC era servers.

Simply put, they have no idea what they’re doing with the longevity of pre-cataclysm WoW.

I’m wrong; they have an idea, which is to get as much money from all of us as much as possible while designing the game in favor of their pet target audiences.

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