So Blizzard just straight up DELETED our characters?

Huge facts! I agree with every word in this post OP. I am very disappointed.


Let’s get em back boys.


Blizz plz we will pay monies <3

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I paid 5 dollars to clone my character…

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First of all, the cloning prices went down to 15 from 35 before the feature even comes out. So don’t spread crap information.

Secondly, you had the option to do it for at least a year. You didn’t, it’s all on you.

You are going ham on why can’t you buy theater ticket to a movie that came out 2 years ago… it’s gone dude… too late… it’s not their fault that you are 2 years late remembering you want something…


Lmao… never played an MMO before? This is simply how they work and have always worked. Blizzard added an extra feature in allowing you to keep your character on an old xpac, such an option has never existed before in the history of WoW. Why is it suddenly seen as mandatory and some kind of breach of trust that the temporary service ended, as temporary services do?

The only reason anyone is mad is bc Classic is popular rn and you wanna send your alt a bunch of gold and stuff. Level up just like you did in 2019 and you won’t have to whine on the forums as much :+1: it’s called “playing the game”


How often do people have to say? They were not deleted, they are in Wrath now, mainly due to your inaction.

The data is gone from Era realms, they permanently deleted it. BLIZZARD said this.

It was during 2004 to 2008 so why not now? The Era realms where the NEW realms, so you had to choose to go to them. So much copium and outright lies in your post.

That is not true, you could have chosen Era FOR FREE, copying onto both TBC and Era was the only thing that cost money. If YOU didn’t choose Era then after a very long time, Blizzard chose for you.


Let’s go blizzard bring them clones back

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Yeah man, I’m actually so upset about losing my freaking paladin. I’m leveling another character but genuinely so disappointed with this in general.

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So basically you are blaming blizzard for your lack of action. Glad i dont really know you.

Just reading your post you seem like the type of person that blames everybody and takes no responibilty for your actions.

Like you seem like the type of person that would blame the repo man for your car being repod.


So basically you are blaming blizzard for your lack of action. Glad i dont really know you.

Just reading your post you seem like the type of person that blames everybody and takes no responibilty for your actions.

Nice bait.

You can’t take action on information you don’t possess, ya goose The idea that I should have to proactively prevent the deletion of my characters in a SUBSCRIPTION based MMO is laughable.

Please spare us your arm-chair psychoanalysis next time.


Your character wasn’t deleted, it was progressed to the next expansion,

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Your character wasn’t deleted, it was progressed to the next expansion,


The Character Clone service has been retired. All clones that were not activated before July 26, 2022 were deleted. Customer Service cannot restore deleted clones or transfer active clones to different game versions.

They explicitly state that they have DELETED my character data regardless of weather I wished to progress to other expansions. My Classic characters are no longer playable on classic, ergo they have been DELETED.


Yeah, your character was progressed to the next expansion.
The clone data was deleted.



no plz keep going this fun to watch

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I got emails from them saying if I have characters on any of these realms to go move them bc they were combining realms. But I didn’t so, but they did give me notice in case I had too. Plus they didn’t just tell me one time either, I got more than one email about it…

After Blitzchung I took a two year plus break from WoW. No email, no phone call, not even a message on bnet while I played OW about my Classic characters being deleted. Yes they are deleted. The ones on Wotlk are clones and not the same. I rolled on Classic I expected it to stay on Classic like any normal person would. Why else would you think so many are angry. I even told support to delete my Wotlk and give me a blank one of equal level on Classic. They still said no because they don’t care. One of the top private servers restored my deleted character and gave me average gear and gold for the level. Funny that they can do better than official.

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You must have played them during TBC then.

You mean like in 2007-08? Oh wait, what happened then? I will say it again, Era were the new realms and the 2019 realms moved onto TBC then Wrath. YOU have the wrong idea, not everyone else.

They said not because it’s not a service they offered anymore. Caring had nothing to do with it.

You mean sell you a boost? They don’t sell boosts on Classic.

Nope stopped before Classic ended. Was not even around for AQ or Nax. I will move your home when you are away and don’t get to know about it. It will be in a worse part of town and you have no say. Like that? No boost. Opened ticket on private server and they gave me a max level character for free and restored it with all the basics I needed to get going again.

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Since the snapshot was taken as Classic ended then that’s exactly what they would be, like they were at the end of Classic.

If they are not the same then you played them in TBC or Wrath.

That is the very definition of a Boost, I can’t believe you can’t see that.