So Blizzard is just griefing its players at this point

Did the SS nerfs including large damage nerfs and 25% less bonus range range help you?

Had an enemy WW strole through all of my CC traps and only be stationary 1 second per trap. My hard CC is micro-CC verses some specs, oh and then he killed me in a cast of Fists.

More nerfs inc June 4thā€¦all FOTM hunters will swap to BM and realise itā€™s better.

Then there wonā€™t be 15 MM on each team but 15 BM with each 5-6 active pets.


:thinking: I thought the nerfs were live yesterday.

More nerfs on the 4th

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I play an MM hunter and pvp with it amd I will freely admit they are just ridiculous. So ate Vengeance DHā€™s. Theres a lot out of balance, and to be fair pvp hasnt been decent in a while.

Do what everyone else is doing and level up your own Hunter ā€¦ soon it wil be only hunters versus hunters with the odd DH and Ret in the mix . No other DPS !

we need those OP MW Monk to heal us too.

Remember when blizzard said they balance around max level and gear? Peppridge farm remembers.

We also now can see how terrible their actual balancing is at max level a lot easier than before. No excuse now for them

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I get the complaints about the MMā€™s btw. What I donā€™t get is, why arenā€™t people complaining about blood DKā€™s and guardian druids? They can literally take on a dps with their damage and win because of their consistent self-healing that no other tank has. I mean, paladin can, but their mana isnā€™t infinite.

Then thereā€™s all the healers running around like discipline priest and fistweaver monk who can also take on a dps simply by self-healing and doing damage. Itā€™s kind of ridiculous.

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Weekly reset was the first which already happened and then the 7th. Iā€™m trying to figure out where you got the fourth from. Pretty sure this became live last reset on the 1st

Youā€™re making me triple check my calendar, the weekly reset is on June 4th, we are currently Sunday and the news came a day ago XDā€¦ stop making me doubt my calendar datesā€¦ Iā€™ve been on vacation and I sometimes forget which day it is lmao

EU Forum apparentlyā€¦

Edit: Iā€™m dumb hereā€™s US

Dude, Iā€™m dumb, and I work every day so I lost track of what day it was. I truly thought today was Wednesday until I checked just now. :joy: Happy Hunting.

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Well I hope itā€™s good news that itā€™s only Sunday! XD

No preference lol. Itā€™s all the same. What had me messed up was my brain decided, without discussing it with me first, that the new trading post rewards were unlocked on reset day, they infact nearly never are.