So @ Blizzard- Be honest and transparent with your customers - Is Xmog next?

That will never happen.

The explanation is simple:
A dev who was responsible for doing “things” related to the lawsuit is feeling an overwhelming sense of guilt and/or shame, so he is pushing all these changes which “protect” women in an effort to “make up” for all the bad things he did, or he is making all these changes in an effort to make himself look better by “proving” he has “changed.”

It’s the most common reason whenever you see someone suddenly start virtue signaling hard online. It’s also the reason why you will never see an official answer as to why they are doing this aside from possibly a generic “these changes prevent toxicity” which doesn’t delve into how exactly the things that were changed were facilitating “toxicity.”

Yes, transmog is next. It is inevitable. That change will also be the one change which will drive away a massive amount of players, possibly killing off the game for real. Nobody wants to play a game where you can’t be a scantily-clad leather daddy or an Amazonian dommy mommy. The instant the transmogs are touched, a huge portion of the playerbase will quit and never return. Also, Blizzard will permanently have a reputation as a regressive, puritanical, and “woke” company, which will repel new players.