it is amazing that, you had manage to make destro so awful at the start of an expansion 3 times in a row, jesus christ i’m starting to think that you guys just don’t like the spec at all, the spec is useless half of the expa and then its OK/meh in 1 season, to end up being trash or broken the next one, you have 0 consistency balancing this spec
the current hotfix it’s just laughable, 6% aura buff it’s fine, 40% CDF is fine but it does not help because shadowburn its better, and 40% of 0 is still 0 im talking about rift.
im thinking that you don’t really care if the spec sees a bit of play or not, the buff were simple buff CB dmgs buff incinerate dmgs and confla because their dmgs it’s HORRENDOUS, RoF could use a 10% buff, but you just threw a random 6% aura buff and buff 2 useless spells OK thx now we are less trashy? we went from a complete joke to be cute THX
destro current state its atrocious, the spec is not good at anything, medicore aoe, horrendous single target, trash 2 target cleave jesus christ man how did u get it so wrong
you need to buff havoc duration, buff rolling havoc, buff burn to ashes and flash point these talents are just weak im not asking you to do it in a hotfix but god dammit you reworked a plethora of classes and leave destro dead in the water WHY? these changes are easy and would put the spec in a overall good spot why do you always treat destro as the bastard child of wow?
ALSO WHY IS OVERFIEND NOT CASTING CHAOS VOLLEY? AND WHY OVERFIEND CBS ARE SO WEAK MAN? our CB are weak yes but our pets bolts are even worse jesus christ
give me back my purple infernal if this is what i’m gonna have to deal with for the rest of my life
you cut infernal/avatar shard gem in half it was fine good change the charge generation was insane BUT WHAT ABOUT BUFFING OUR DMGS? WHAT ABOUT COMPENSATION? i’m ok being a machinegun of spells but right now i have a water gun with a half tank WHY ?