So blizz is breaking leveling and group finder with twinks

Someone in my group said twinks are getting a debuff that lowers exp gains by 95% for everyone else who doesn’t have it off in groups…

So let me get this straight: Blizz is breaking the whole system of lfg, all because they don’t want twinks poweleveling people in freehold? More than likely to coerce people into buying a $60 boost in the shop. What a stupid design decision. That means low level griefers can keep quening as a tank with exp off and no one will get exp in dungeon finder. So dumb. Going back to PoE and canceling my sub,

They really need to look into this

It only applies to people who -manually- group with the twink. Not the randoms in the queue. Don’t take everything you hear on the internet at face value. Do your own research after you hear a questionable claim.


Well thats good

I thought the same at first but there’s a Blizzard blue post out there that says they aren’t going to put that debuff on you in random queues, it’s only if you pre-join someone with their experience off to begin with to stop pre-mades from powerleveling with twinks. A twink could still carry a group if they join with them randomly, though, if they aren’t getting paid for it that’s a lot less likely.

I’ll see if I can dig up the blue post.


Here you go:

120 boosts inc soon.

soon as in 8.3.5 maybe.

And that has what to do with the OP?


Everything, actually. If you actually read what the OP said in the OP you’d know he even brought it up too. Nice try though.

It’s a moot point, since (as has already been said), the xp debuff only applies in groups put together manually, not groups formed randomly through LFG, etc. Therefore, the debuff is not part of some dastardly plot to promote the eventual sales of 120 boosts.

Ight, several explained why this isn’t a problem with group finder already, so won’t get into that, however I will say people need to start actually looking into this sort of thing instead of instantly becoming a doomsayers, or at the very least ask first, instead of just losing your mind.

Whats the big deal? So they arent getting paid for a 120 boost, but i bet a ton buy wow tokens to pay for this anyways.