So as I discovered

So as I discovered, Boomkins are not auto-win in PvP.

I have a 60 boomie, I go in to AB and I get decimated constantly. After reading the forums and all the folks saying that “Boomkins are easy and auto-win” I figure I would go into a BG and have fun, but no. They actually take skill, =(

I think I’ll try Ele sham next, seeing as how that’s next on the list of “Super OP auto-win”, see how I do.

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The only 2 classes that are “auto wins” are rogue with all CDs in wpvp, and ret with full buffs/consumes once every 5 minutes. Outside of those very minor niche scenarios every class can get rolled in sod with the super high damage output.

Don’t forget to use your starfall


Wait a minute have you not been 1v5ing with starfall? How can this be?!

Yes, I even use Starfall, and I still get raked through the coals. My survivability is very low, and I seem to get just shredded by ret paladins moreso than anybody else.

You need to pop startfall and then the trinket that puts you in the ground so you cant be killed/targeted.

I don’t have the trinket yet, but hopefully soon. Then I can go around and pop folks for 600 damage each hit, =D.

Let me ask you a question? How does ur gear look? You in blues? What’s ur health pool? Are you standing in the back?

Give us some examples of you getting owned. Example: Hunter, Ele, Rets, Wars, Rogues. Just checking. =) using this for information purpose. =) lol

Mostly blues, a few epics and I try to stand as far back as I can. I’m like catnip to the alliance.

The only classes that seem to make a b-line for me are rogues, wars and rets. Rogues stunlock, but it takes them a while. Warrs hurt, but its not a 1 shot. I can usually go toe to toe with a ret at first, but then they bubble until I die.

Well… I’ve been grinding on a mage and fully buff in bgs my health is only 6k. Can’t wait for the r13 gear. And I get deleted as well. it will be a bit different once you get closer to 8k health. Not sure what’s the health pool of a decked out mage is at. A decked out Boomy might be higher in health pool.

The damage in SOD is a bit over tune. Just have fun pvp’n, =)

Probably doesn’t have the Sand Reaver trinket. :stuck_out_tongue:

You don’t vs shamans and it shows

That is already nerfed. Cancels starfall now so it’s over for boomkins.

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How can you expect results on a freshly dinged 60 with blues with minimal PvPing on that toon?

Boomkins arent even very good now people are just absolute trash cans at pvp.

They took all boomies defensives and you can Stun starfall… How bad are kids in sod

Boomys are great when ignored. Those who complain about them … telling.

Ele shamans are ridículously OP in wpvp and bloodmoon event, boomies hit hard but they are very weak.

Ab is different with more HP pool, PVE geared melees can’t be one shotted and have more time to counter casters and healers.

I press silence then stand there with 120 nr and resist everything. Shammy are jokes

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Make a boomie in Cata, get it to level 85. They are more OP there than they are here for many forms of PvP. You have multiple things going against you, first off, the fact that you are new to the class and are going up against people who have been doing it for almost 20 years, second off is your gear. Even if you do get full epiced out, your not going to go up against someone who has been playing WoW at level 60 PvP for decades and beat them in a 1v1. Lots here played on level 60 private servers before Blizz came out with this stuff. There are tens of thousands of players who have a massive head start over you. Talking those who have like 500k+ HKs on their toons from their original accounts.

Level 60 boomies outside of SoD are not that fun to play tbh. Sub rogues in ere are better overall if SoD does go into era instead of SoD TBC. I dont think Blizzard is looking forward to balancing SoD TBC arenas so SoD TBC is probably unlikely to happen.

I want SoD TBC but am not getting my hopes up. So… just think how your boomie is going to do outside of SoD… it will be bad. People like Morphious have been playing boomkins since the game came out can’t say that because druids like that are top S tier, you will be too. Play what you are best at, then you will be leet. You’ll play 10x better maining the class you love vs maining whatever class is FoTM.

you thought playing an “auto-win” class would be “fun”?

yeah, I can see how you d be disappointed and discouraged when it actually takes a lil more then braindead AoE spamming