So arms fury or prot

Once you get past lvl ten, I bet you’d have no issues rolling dungeon only with Prot.

My warrior was prot from level 10 in vanilla all the way through the end of Wrath (when they ruined tanking). You’re wrong, and you’re mistaking your inability to play the spec with the spec itself.

Your claim is literally not founded on anything other than your word, and now you’re tossing around ad hominems. Source. Otherwise you’re trolling.

Well… you actually might. At lower levels, mitigating damage isn’t nearly as important as simply generating threat, and holding aggro (which is also arguably a lot less important than it could be, but still, that’s your primary concern as a low level tank).

Tanking as a 2 handed weapon wielding Arms warrior is very viable in low to mid level content, and even vastly preferable, depending on group composition and competence. Ravager wielding warrior tanks are a lot of fun, and wouldn’t benefit much from any of the shield-specific talents in the Prot tree, though at higher levels, esp as you push into plate territory, you can expect that to change.

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I love how this is coming from the Warlock. Keki .

Long story short:

Warriors should be Arms/Fury Until atleast 50.

Dungeons 40+ Warriors that do this need to incorporate Sword and Board, and have tanking item setups.

Dungeons that are 50+ Can net a warrior to reset to full prot. But if I’m going full on prot, no warrior should run with anything but 3 Mages, 1 Healer because every other dps setup is subpar.

I would glady spec prot for aoe grinding dungeon exp but outside of that, no thanks.

What I say is based on personal experience. I love prot. Anytime I play a warrior, that’s the spec I play. The thing about prot is that it’s not going to make a bad tank good. Like I said, you have to learn how to play the spec.

If they’re terrible tanks, then yes just stay arms/fury. You’re likely to be better off as DPS than a tank regardless of what spec you play.

Here’s what all you terrible tanks don’t seem to understand: tanking is a different mentality than DPS in vanilla. Tanks play a different game than the rest of the group, similar to how healers are playing a different game. If you go into it trying to play the same game as DPS, you’re not going to do well. So I say again for all you thickheads, learn to play the spec.

It comes down to the low level talents, guy. At low levels, prot talents do not serve you or the group as well as arms talents. All of us tanks agree. Idk why you did it wrong in vanilla, but don’t try to argue against a whole meta.

Honestly? There are a few classes and specs for whom talents genuinely don’t make that huge of a difference in overall performance, outside of the big milestone talents. Resto shaman comes to mind.

Except during your 20s to 40s, where you’ll do very well, as long as you can manage threat.

EDIT: Well, “as long as you can manage threat” is a different game than DPS threat management, so you have a point.

They serve you just fine. Learn to play the spec or stop complaining it. It’s simple. If you don’t like the tanking game, then DPS. There’s no shame in that. But don’t complain about a spec that you’re just terrible at.

Early on, your base abilities should be enough to be a serviceable tank. Although a lot of people even fail at that. Protection will make you a better tank though, even at earlier levels (assuming you’re not just a terrible tank to begin with).

Until you roll a warrior yourself, stay out of the discussion LOL

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Been there done that, cupcake. Learn to play, then come at me.

I just wrote up a low level tanking guide, and would appreciate some feedback on that.

Perhaps, some deeper discussion on prot talents, macros, leveling tips, rage generation, pull strategies and how they might out perform Arms or Fury would be good.

There are talents to give more threat in dev stance and also anger management will help preserve rage so saying you had less threat being prot is absurd. Dual wield tank then with prot build. I ran a zf yesterday with a 48 mostly prot tank and it was the best warrior tank I’ve seen on our server yet. he also knew what he was doing. His rage bar was always over 50 and was cycling sunders properly in all targets(and more on main dps target). I leveled a warrior tank in vanilla to 60 and tanked all the 5 mans and then for burning crusade on that same warrior I raid tanked into sunwell. So I know what’s up. You can also tank as arms but imo nothing beats prot with someone that knows what they are doing low level or not. Unfortunately questing is better with arms so having a happy medium is probably best while leveling. The main thing though is most warriors don’t really know how to tank. Use blood rage on gun pulls, cycle sunders on all targets, hit all revenge procs, only use taunt when you lose agro, put target markers on keybinds so you can quickly mark pulls. Los pulls where applicable, keep mobs off healer and be mindful of healer mana at all times.


Defensive stance has a base (untalented) of 130% threat, but you’re right, that can go higher with talents in the prot tree.

Anger Management is in the Arms tree.

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Arms 100%. Deflection and Tactical Mastery are god talents.

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Not sure if it was mentioned above, but the OP is level 10. A lot of the conversation seems to be bouncing from different views that could very much be dependent on level ranges.

It seems quite common to level as say deep Arms, until low 40s, then choose to respec Prot, Fury, or stay Arms. This then seems to also ask the question about whether dungeon leveling is viable vs questing (which it obviously is, and a lot of people are doing it).

Anyway, back to the grind :slight_smile:

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Yes it is but I’m saying that’s what you get in a prot build to help with rage and threat