Exactly. I hope someone at Blizzard is taking notes.
I will bump this one more till my dream of relevant undead options become real.
Sorry for anyone who gets annoyed. !!
I wouldn’t mind them getting the maldraxix skeleton as a option for upright
Blizzard’s official stance is that the half-baked and unevenly distributed customization options they added with 9.0 are “good enough” and they don’t plan on doing anything else with it until an undisclosed possible point in the future, maybe.
That is very sad news
It is. It’s one of the most disappointing things they’ve announced in recent memory.
I would play an undead with a straight posture.
Ok, since they are listening to players now… Maybe time for BUMP!
Give me the ability to play other races as forsaken and I’ll make a horde alt. That would be so sick
Yes please