So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

What a shocker. Total upset. Truly unprecedented.

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I get where you’re coming from too Treng. It’s just…doing nothing about Teldrassil for 2 yrs was the worse possible scenario that could have happened, yet here we are.

Blizzard is trying to do SOMETHING about it with the Night Fae convenant, yet people still aren’t satisfied.

Maybe it’s me, but I like where the story is going so far and I’m glad it’s at least being dealt with finally, you know?

It’s not a ideal situation by any means, but at least to me, it’s something.

You can’t ‘fix’ Teldrassil. It was a blunder on blizzards part. As Sylvanas said it is a wound that can’t be healed. The horde can’t own the act, and they can’t disassociate themselves from it.

The only possible outcome without lots of handwaving and gaslighting is a future with endless war on the horizon. The nightelves will never forget it and will always contain elements of society who seek an equitable revenge. The horde will never trust a peace with the nightelves, expecting a retaliation at some point in the future if not now, and may (depending on leadership) decide on a pre-emptive strike to finish the job that sylvanas started.


I mean nelves fought and won a war besides strictly and only the Gilneans and defeated the entire Horde. Let me say that again: These two armies won WITHOUT THE AID OF THE ALLIANCE.
I wouldn’t say that’s nothing.

It’ll never be enough, which is why I think it should just be a clean break. Regrow the World Stump, then literally never mention it ever again.

I didn’t realize that the Horde pulled all of their forces in Zandalar and everywhere else across Azeroth and funneled every last one of them into Darkshore.

Strangely I only saw Goblins and Forsaken.

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Amazing. We’ve had this argument before, but you argued that the cutscenes and pre-event wherein the entire Horde’s forces are being mowed by Tyrande counts. Now they don’t?

Choose, Cialis.

The Pre-event?

Regardless of what you mean by the “Pre-event” I was still unaware that the Horde withdrew their forces from every corner of Azeroth and funneled every last one of them into Darkshore.

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Yeah, I suppose that’s true, and am I the only who finds it amusing that the gilneans have embarrassed the horde twice now? (First the forsaken and than the entire might of the horde)

I’m like you though, it’s why I have so little sympathy for the night elf fans. There are races in game who have legit gripes and need a ton of work to make them relevant to the story. But nope, loose a tree, that WILL grow back mind you, because it’s root system wasn’t destroyed.

(That’s how trees work you guys. They’re pretty amazing and resilient things)


Especially one that size, and made by magic :stuck_out_tongue:


Maybe my math is off but that doesn’t look like the Entire Horde drawn in from all corners of Azeroth.

It’s easy to say Darkshore was an undoubted main front, where troops were intensively deployed and which simply became a meatgrinder event for the horde, the troops there were send to die, they had no chance to win.

malfurion, tyrande, maiev, shandris, they killed easily tons of troops without any problems. (Even shown in the questline)

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The initial War of Thorns was with the nearly entire might of the Horde coming down on the night elves, yes. The night elves, using a fairly minimal crew, managed to hold off the Horde for a few days or so while the rest of the civilians, or as many as possible, tried to evac via Darnassus.

Following the Burning, the Horde held Darkshore with a number of forces, but no longer their entire might as before. This was the force hit by Tyrande and co. during the quest chain, and was clearly a more typical mix of different Horde races, you see trolls and orcs among them (using night elf prisoners as target practice).

After this it gets a bit stranger, as the warfronts have a final winner in canon but seem to mirror each other. Near as I can tell, the Horde version happens first, meaning a force of Forsaken and goblins land on Darkshore after the initial strike from the night elves, take it back, and then camp on it. This is then followed by the night elves coming back with their own force, possibly after Dazar’alor, to take it back in finality. What lends credence to this is the world boss, who is living when Horde has the zone, and then undead/rotting when Alliance owns it.

It should also be noted that night elf forces were split during the warfront, along with the Gilneans, as we see many of them in Kul Tiras and Zandalar and during the War Campaign.

Darkshore never seemed like anything more than a garrison to me without much expectation that the night elves would try to take it back until Mal/Tyr unexpectedly show up. As far as territory worth fighting over for the horde its pretty well at the bottom of the list. Its only real strategic value was a staging ground for invading Teldrassil.

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This is why I dislike the War of Thorns, honestly. I have zero issues with the night elves losing, I have issues with it happening in the first place, and in the order of events it did. It makes very little sense, and was a massively destructive thing for what amounted to shock value.


And nobody is interested to suffer for a meta decision which left the player-base with zero voice in the matter.

Literally that’s the backstory for every playable race, what makes your fit alongside other nelves larpers more important than the constant kick on the teeth many got?

The Gilneas that never recovered their home since Cataclysm or the Trolls that have been killed for years in dungeons indiscriminately or Taurens that have been steped alongside the Forsakens and leave to rot at the streets of Orgrimmar?
Every single player pays the same money as you to play this game

Wanting to kill more characters from the Horde is literally attacking their fans and ergo their playerbase. I want a lot of characters from the Alliance dead because I found them really vexing but I know if they get killed, the most races are left without any visible face(Velen, Umbric, Alleria, Tyrande, Shandris, etc) and I don’t wish that for anyone.

Pff that small story was a fix/throw a bone to nelves after the meltdown of the in-game event and besides another proof how Blizzard spoils the Nelf playerbase


I honestly would have very little issue with the WoT as an independent event from Teldrassil if Blizz had simply aknowledged the Alliance aggression proceeding it. Like they largely refused to do with Stormheim. Or invalidating those acts with really cheap justifications, like they did with the Bilgewater attacking the Explorer’s League in Silithus for no other reason than “LOL, dere Goblins!” … to negate the Alliance attacking Horde civilians as an act of War. And then … the Bilgewater attacking the EL again after to kidnap Sapphy.

The dumbest thing about Sylvie’s argument to Saurfang wasn’t that that “they’ll attack us eventually” … its “they were already attacking us, but Blizz refuses to let it count”. Tyrande and Genn were pushing Anduin to pre-emptively attack the Horde. Saurfang is totally reasonable to think that because of Anduin’s non-response to Stormheim that he was at best too weak to resist the pressure from his elders to attack to Horde; at worst he was complicit in it. Its not as if the WoT was unwarranted…

You combine Stormheim, Silithus, and SI:7 flooding Org with so many agents civilians were tripping over them to send the deliberate message of “we are always watching you” … and the WoT truly is the Garrosh conflict all over again. With the Alliance starting the War, but their actions being handwaved away so the Horde can be the aggressors. With blizz throwing in some shock value atrocity by the Horde to really make you forget the Alliance’s part. Its Varian declaring War in WotK, yet Garrosh “starting it” in Cata…


Genocide is justified is a hell of a take.

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You really, really should actually read posts you plan to respond to. I mean, the very first line of Droite’s post gives all the context you should need. This has become such a thing with you, this half-reading-at-best issue that it’s actually hilarious.


I said the WoT as an independent event. No matter how much the NE fanbase whines about Genocide, the Horde truly was made nothing more than a tool in a genocidal act. There was no intent to eradicate the NEs within Saurfang’s WoT. In fact his plan required not just their survival as a people, but also their leaders to work. There was no intent to eradicate the NEs after Teldrassil. It was just basic, generic defensive military tactics … with Sylvie actually undermining the forces in Darkshore by all indications. Since what she wanted for that zone was simply another meatgrinder. The Horde there were meant to die.

The act itself is horrific, but outside of maybe Sylvanas and Nate … there was no intent to “genocide” the NEs from the Horde. And I would argue that if the Alliance activities and aggression proceeding it had been allowed to count (and Blizz didn’t insulate the blues from their own grey constantly) … the WoT as an independent event was more than justified. Even if Teld will never be.