So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

I know and I play in the blue team with my alt but this is not what Warcraft was about despite being a cheap knock off from Warhammer fantasy, the game is slowly becoming into RS3 with heavy human potential but not from the race but the small roster of superheroes their havor.
Heck we don’t even know the custom and culture from SW aside of being a disney realm

This is another annoying problem within the Alliance, Nelves are interesting in nature but their problem is Blizzard wants them to be master of all, hindrance of none with being the best warriors/druids/mages/priest, etc and without drawbacks that either makes them get all the limeline or get a pathetic defeat that later the writers will send lots of apologies’ letter for that


To their credit, at least the Maldraxxus invasion of Bastion actually had a point. It showed that something was wrong there and when we go to the realm we find that two of the Houses turned traitor.

Much better than Brennadam’s entirely pointless “Attack this random town for no strategic purpose.”


It would’ve been nice as a small patch zone too. But yeah, it just dosen’t feel right.

A very undead looking troll\Loa is in a Druid zone, surrounded by life. And he cannocally(?) has an ‘overwhelming stench of death’. Would he kill plants if he hangs around too much? :stuck_out_tongue:


You should revisit Ashenvale, Darkshore (the old version pre-BfA), Feralas and Hyjal. While there’s some stonework, the majority is woodwork, built around tree-like themes, very open air and with lots of blues, purples and greens.

The visual identity is remarkably close to night elf zones.


Ahhh here come the usual 100 comments in random alliance posters providing nothing to the conversation but blatant insults.

Horde fans upset their faction is in tatters, gets villain batted and walked on every other expansion all the while losing most notable lore characters while the others stand their doing nothing, all while the PC is forced to partake in acts that make no sense to the story.




This topic provides no conversation other than to bait Alliance posters. OP knows what he was doing, especially since it seems he can only make threads whining about Alliance. If the Horde bothers you so much then quit the faction you random.


Just because you don’t like someone’s opinion (of a game) doesn’t mean you need to blatantly insult a large group of people.

I don’t plan on quitting the faction I have played for over 10 years. Why would I? I see you may have once Belfs became playable on the blue team (result of blue poster tears). I, like many other horde players want to see the Horde be what we signed up for, not a catalyst for every other expansion, not a constant loot piñata, not a cluster F of a mess the writers have seemed to put it in.


And yet, we have over 100 posts on it in less than a day, proving a conversation (such as we ever “converse” here) is happening in spite of your claims.

Cry more Void Elf scum, amirite?


Yes, but the stonework that is there is important, columns, statues all over the place.

Just look at the vault of the wardens or Darnassus, is how i see Nelf architecture.

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It’s amazing how many Alliance players have lied over this when this happens. I was sure posters would be more reasonable after this, but people are only more belligerent about it now.

Also this is a huge tell.

Jesus wept. :joy:


No, I don’t like the Horde dumping on the Alliance just because their faction sucks. Horde posters insult the Alliance all the time and expect the Alliance to accept it.

I started in vanilla on Alliance, then went to the Horde in Cata because of how much the Horde was beating the Alliance. I went back in BFA because 1) Kul Tiras is better than Zandalar, 2) I like the Void Elf aesthetic, and 3) I wasn’t going to follow Sylvanas as warchief because she’s always been bad and I could see her being warchief wouldn’t be good. Now the Horde playerbase want to take away good things from the Alliance because they’re never going to have anything nice again.


He says after being the only person to descend into petty name calling, while the ones he is pettily name calling have only respectfully disagreed and did not resort to name calling and othering.

Hint: Maturity isn’t tied to your faction. It’s tied to your actions and words, and you just showed us yours.


I don’t want to take a single thing away from the alliance (other than maybe some unnecessary DBZ god tier powers some leaders have) and I feel a lot of horde players don’t either. Just because we want a little more attention to our lore and writing which has been a massive cluster f for a while doesn’t mean we want to destroy your faction.

Now I realize their are going to be posters on each side that want to see the other burn and salt the earth when they are done, but their are also a large amount of posters that simply want what’s due for both sides. I don’t know why that’s such a difficult thing to grasp on these forums. We all play a game we more or less love and pay to play, we should all be able to have a little pride. :man_shrugging:



All i’m saying is; Alliance was able to survive 2 years being the Horde’s Krillin during another dumb “Find yourself” storyline.

The Horde can easily survive another night elf leveling zone.


You clearly don’t read Elasana and her small cult here too often and another hint, you still aren’t responding the addressed issues aka you can’t counter argue the objection because they’re true :wink:

You know Dreadmoore, at this point even if Tyrande gives a good beat up to Sylvanas, a lot of the people here would be picking things " Tyrande should had finished quickler" or “She sweated a little and makes no sense as Elune could solo Sargeras with just her thumb”


And yet in Darnassis, stonework amounts to columns, archs, bridges and the Temple of Elune. The majority? Woodwork. Even the bank is inside a tree. All the beautiful buildings share the aesthetic. The stonework is such a minority that it’s barely present elsewhere in night elf towns, if present at all.

Astranaar, Auberdine (pre-Deathwing), Feathermoon Stronghold (both old and new), Nighthaven, and the list goes on. NONE of those feel night elven to you because of a lack (or minimal) of stonework?


We can probably agree that people like Jaina can and probably should be nerfed. But the Horde is probably never going to get major lore focus again and its players need to accept that.

100%. It’s never enough. It will never be enough.


We really don’t though, just like Alliance players don’t “have to” accept their faction becoming the “Humans, and their quirky sidekicks” faction. Voicing discontent is the only way change can happen.


Yes, we do. Blizzard isn’t going to change any of this just because players yell at the other faction on the story forums. This is what Blizz wants.