So Ardenweald story is as much troll as night elf?

Hell, let’s stop pretending it was ‘of value’ to start with.

Teldrassil was not some central hub of Night elf culture and identity. Not some ancient, sacred place that all Night elves looked to as a pinnacle of their being.

It’s literally just a tree that Fandral Staghelm planted fifteen years ago as part of a Legion plot to corrupt the damn night elves through the Emerald Dream.

Plus yanno the whole “night elves have cities” thing is entirely a conceit created for the sake of MMO playability; my night elves still live inside the bodies of gigantic roaming tree-monsters.


It’s not as bad as this thread: Why don't Tauren join the Alliance? - #1174 by Faelia-ravenholdt

No. It had value. It was the homeland players were introduced to. You’ll never convince me that beer vendor Jimbob has merit or value, but people care about the first places they’re shown in game that are representative of their chosen race’s accomplishments.

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You don’t get to choose what is important to people. For a lot of WoW players, Teldrassil was their introduction to the World of Warcraft, and there’s a deep-rooted (puns, hur) fondness for all that went on there.

And an overall sense of what a character’s chosen race is capable of is also a part of that. “You’re a bunch of tent-dwelling refugees who like leaves in your hair and can’t defend your own homeland with the power of a god and conveniently-absent demigods on your side. Don’t you feel proud?”

I mean, I’ve seen it, but obviously not to the same extent. Being off-screen and being dead are quite different. It’d be a very different story (literally) if they’d said that Sylvanas gassed the city with all the civvies in it, or maybe contrived some way to blame the premature explosion of plague bombs on the Alliance, thus killing said civvies.


True, who can forget such memorable landmarks as

“Food & Drink”



or my personal favorite, “Tailoring”


I have to agree with that. Even though Teldrassil should be insignificant in the life of every Night Elf and really in the lore too, it is what they went with for WoW and Hyjal was made for some reason neutral (which is still a mistake in my view). But Night Elven players (especially only WoW players) had (likley) a connection to it.


Exactly. We’re not talking about characters in a game. We’re talking about players. Players care about hero characters, places, and items. They don’t care about beer vendor Jimbob.

The sensation of questing in Teldrassil was something else, the soundtrack, the questlines, how you interacted with the moonwells.

That all generates connection to a degree.

Yeah “quest npc numer 5” might be nothing in the grand scheme of things, but after doing so many alts and playing through the zone, some characters stick out.

A good NPC can make a difference in how enjoyable a zone is.

And I fully expect other players to have that level of connection to their starting zones as well, is not a Teldrassil exclusive thing.


Jus popping in to say I love the grey beard Treng. Look like the Sith Emperor from The Old Republic MMO :gift_heart:

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Because they were all evacuated, not murdered in a horrendous fashion.

Also we are upset about losing Undercity, and more importantly (to me) Tirisfal getting turned into a parking lot.


::He would look at Brill.::
Tell me more.

This is THE thing to be mad about.

Wasn’t Brill destroyed before the alliance got there though? It’s been a while, but I thought it already was a burnt husk when the alliance marched through?

I thought it was an off-screen razing from the alliance. The horde wouldn’t have any reason to tear down Brill themselves.


That’s the most likely scenario. I imagine it was the Bloodfang who did it. Because I just remember it already destroyed by the time Anduin and Co got there :gift_heart:

The Alliance ran thru Brill to use it as a staging point. It may have been evacuated like the rest of Lordaeron, prior to the Alliance showing up but the Alliance ran through it.

I mean I recall that a lot of Night Elves got teleported out as well.

To say nothing of all those who were nowhere near Teldrassil at the time.

Remember back before BfA, when night elf players were still griping about Ashzara becoming a Horde zone, because every zone with a tree and some derelict ruins in it is “night elf territory”? And it was inssited htat OF COURSE Night elves have a massive presence in every such zone (even if not shown in game) so it’s a “SLAP IN THE FACE” that ten years ago one of those zones flipped to horde?

Stands to reason there were plenty of night Elves all around Northenr and western Kalimdor, in Stormwind, Pandaria, Icecrown, etc. Probably far more, vastly more, than were in treetown at the time.

Of course back in those days Night elf whiners were perfectly fine with and regularly defended genocide and massacres of civilians… since after all, our introduction to Night elves in this franchise is Tyrande and her friends just slaughtering peons sent to collect lumber.

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You mean killing orcs that attacked the wisps first. And decided to kill Ancients as well.


I don’t remember that happening at all. Was this a Reforged retcon?

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Not sure since I only played reforged, but before any Night Elf appears, you can kill wisps and Grom makes fun of them.

Then Night Elves start attacking once you cut some trees.

Then some peon is like, hey Grom, those elves seem to be pissed at us, should we leave? And grom is like: we kill them then.