Beep boop, this helmet is poop.
Well, there IS tmog
The Borigrad AI program is made by a Human from
Stormwind named Randuin Paulus, and for some reason, despite buying the new expansions, he entirely skipped Cataclysm. Something about big flying serpents and tire treads or something, idk. So he doesn’t know what Xmog is, its rather fascinating!
Boribot 5000 is spyware dont click his links
Oh then join and be nice, that’s welcome to. More welcome.
This is one of those things that is stated to be the case… but is never SHOWN to be the case.
I mean yeah, logically it would stand to reason that there are independent strains of druidism. We got a faint nibble of this in Cataclysm, with the original background of Gilnean druids and the appearance of troll druids among our ranks… but the Gilnean Harvest-Witch concept got sucked up into some Night elf BS pre-Beta, and the Trolls only got some stuff with Battle for Azeroth (and good for them, minimal as it is.)
I think that one of the best things Blizzard could have done, is have Pandaren have druids, instead of priests; they don’t seem too big on the Holy Light stuff, but are totally up on the idea of a balanced, harmonious life in unison with one’s surroundings. Oh well, missed opportunities (probably because a bear turning into a bear was deemed “too silly,” honestly… works for Furbolg though, idk)
Anyway, point is… Blizzard can tell us “oh sure there’s other kinds of druids!” but they don’t actually deliver on demonstrating that fact. so for all practical purposes? Nah, with the slim exception of the trolls, Druidism is a Night elf thing.
Haven’t paid any attention to this thread for a few days; is this the discord drama thread now?
it always was
For no good reason.
The gravest sin. They coulda gone somewhere neat with this.
Tell that to those Night Elven players.
Edit: I’m not saying it’s a real Night Elven zone, even though the themes are there. But it certainly is more so than anything else, or more than Troll.
The real issue is that there isn’t enough horde development to flesh out a unique zone for their dead.
Spirits? Ancestors? what is it just a zone of horde old people sitting around? not really a compelling design and certainly not enough to design an entire realm around.
The sad fact is that the Horde afterlife is basically just ghosts that haunt the living instead of passing on. Hell the Horde after life on Draenor was basically a Naaru sucking the Anima out of them to restore itself.
So really outside of trolls there really isn’t a “Horde” afterlife and the troll afterlife is limited to trolls only. Maldraxus is as close as your gonna get when it comes to forsaken afterlife/orc
I disagree.
Hm the idea to recreate Teldrassil from Ardenwald exist sadly in the fandom that’s true. In my view it’s lame and would make it even worse. Nordrassil is the way better alternative, it always was.
Blizzard already tweeted that “Trees Can Be Regrown” in a twitter thread about Teldrassil being destroyed. Let’s quit pretending that the night elves lost anything of value permanently.
I know. If they go with it, everything is really worse. BfA was bad, but this would take the cake in making it even more pointless.
I do not really think they will remake Teldrassil. It is entirely too much work for not much return on investment. I think given what they have said that they will perhaps be refreshing Hyjal as a new Kaldorei HQ. It be pretty easy to tidy up for the devs, and is a historic site for them so… it works out.
Cool, but the tree ain’t it, chief.
It was thousands of night elf souls who were thrown into the meat grinder that is the Maw, and used as justification to keep that meat grinder spinning for both the Alliance and Horde. It was the fact that the night elves got utterly clowned on despite people trying to claim the contrary. All we see prior to and during BFA is night elves getting made fools of, even after the Night Warrior ritual where Tyrande harnesses the power of a wrathful god. Good job, Tyrande. You have the power to one-shot nameless goons, but anyone with a proper name above their head is immune to your powers.
Oh boy, a broken cutscene with pre-canned animations announcing the victory at Darkshore, made available to view during the Shadowlands prepatch despite being added to the game files in 8.2. That sure compares to 4 fully rendered cinematics about the woes of a old, world-weary, orc soldier.
Regrow a tree, it doesn’t unkill those elves or
Nightfae spoiler
un-obliterate those tormented amalgamations of innocent night elf souls, who knew only unending fear, sorrow, and agony before getting the “release” of ceasing to be.
They have to make greater concessions than growing a new tree for the Horde to burn down again whenever it’s plot-convenient. What they need to do is make night elves feel like they matter for anything but to be the Alliance’s Worf to show how mean and strong the Horde are.
hey. none of them are real. I’m talking about things that are important to the player. Those are hero characters, places, items.
Vendors are entirely inconsequential. The Forsaken’s were removed from the game too (save for timewalking) and you don’t see them whinging over it.
I gotta say this is the thread that never ends.
…it just goes on, and on, my friends.