So any plans to fix tank pop?

Making tanks op usually works.

I disagree with this opinion. Warrior was a blast on FF14. Felcleave mobs to the face felt good when I played. But that was like 3 years ago.

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Is someone preventing you from making a tank?

I’m not sure what you want devs to do. It’s inherantly a player problem. They gave tanks more rewards most of the time, near instant queues and the ability to be just about demigods in world content: Seen a tank solo one of the world bosses, even.

It’s just people don’t want to play tanks. I don’t want to, it seems miserable being under the microscope of 4+ players and expected to rush nonstop through most content as if it’s a speedrun, and I imagine that is a pretty common sentiment.


I’m pretty sure he wants to chase damage meters.

Yes, but Blizz did nerf tanks before the x pac started. If they want more tanks, put it back.


Yea I get that but how did I not get any of these people who just go all in on new tanks when I also was brand new to tank? It is anecdotal for sure, but I have also done several hundred (maybe close to 1k but let’s not get crazy) keys and still do not see new player being shamed for being bad at tank. I’ve had tanks that literally say “I’m new to tank I hope you guys don’t mind” and they were fine and no one complained.

Sure you will just write it off as anecdotally but everyone else is just speaking anecdotally as well.

I did, what now.

If your DPS queues are a problem, maybe… be nice to some tanks? I’ve got four, I like my guild, if they need a tank for queues, they’ve got me, rewards or not.


In true Blizzard fashion… Instead of buffing tanks, they’re nerfing the only viable one.


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I did exactly one dungeon this xpac as a tank, and when I zoned in, I let everybody know it was my first dungeon. Nobody had a problem. The run went fine though I think there were a few deaths (it was the one with the ship where you fly around the place and there’s little direction, so I feel like it was extra hard).

Maybe it’s just a communication problem.

I did another dungeon as a healer, and nobody said a thing, but the tank pulled the entire first corridor and I spent like half the pull chain-feared by multiple mobs. It’s pretty hard to adapt to something like that if you don’t know it’s coming.

This is how it was in original heroics back in TBC. Mobs would absolutely murder non-tanks. IMO this was the best that dungeons ever were… but you needed a coordinated group, and it was slow. You had to plan every pull. IDK if there’s some happy medium between these two extremes, but I think this is on the right track.

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It means you are arguing just to argue. Are you seriously trying to say that I don’t know how to tank? Lmao.

Again, anecdotal. Even when you were new to tanking you might had better gameplay knowledge. Or you just got lucky with the randoms you played with. Either way your experience doesn’t discount others’ experiences and those who say they have been flamed.

Your experience can be true while others’ experiences are also true even if they contrast.

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So you’re part of the problem and not willing to be part of the solution eh?


A lot of tanks do those gigantic pulls because of experience with jerk DPS.


They made prot warriors worse to play if that helps.


I wont tank pugs. I refuse to. You guys pull everything, instead of letting me control the flow so I spend the entire dungeon trying to grab aggro, group all the mobs while listening to complaints about being a bad tank. Lol yeah ok no thanks.


I’m a decent player and I can tank. Literally just throw more gold at me. I will tank. Right now healers get the same incentives. I prefer to heal.

I also don’t care about toxicity - I thrive in it. “In normal times, evil would be fought with good. But in times like these, well, it should be fought by another kind of evil

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no thanks, i already have plenty of babysitting to do when i heal


Just the other day I was tanking and the paladin healer ran off to pull more stuff as I guess I wasn’t going fast enough for him. To no one’s surprise he got hard CCed and let 2 dps die. Things like this is why you see a lack of tanks.


They would have to un-nerf tanks first…

The bribe bag could use some love too. The 800-1000 gold seems a bit low, I bet if they made the bribe bag pay out at least 5000+ gold the alleged tank shortage wouldn’t be as big of a deal

If they made the bribe bag pay out at least 10,000 gold per bag, tank shortage would instantly be solved overnight :money_mouth_face:


I dont think its a good idea to try to force people into roles. It doesnt help that the generally its the population thats making life hard for tanks imho. Frankly, as a temporary solution til they can rectify some balance issues they should make a role agnostic version of each group instance (not raid). If star wars the old republic can do all dps dungeons i think blizzard can do the same.

I mean even if they buffed tank durability everybody expects them to handle route kicks and generally leading the group which is like 10x the effort of playing dps and hitting your 3-4 buttons.

Everybody wants a tank/healer but nobody wanna be a tank/healer so :dracthyr_yay_animated:

Wish they had fewer deadly casts you had to coordinate kicks on as well as fewer tank busters you need 21 weakauras for and then just have pushy dungeons be more dmg checks.


Nah. The people who dont understand that tanks arent in a shortage dont understand their own role enough to deal with increased throughput