Discuss my suggestion on how to lessen the DPS surplus.
Nobodys talking about forcing anyone, you’re just making things up to be upset about now.
The suggestion isn’t meant to turn all DPS to tanks, so it might not do anything for you specifically. That doesn’t mean it won’t do anything for others.
You just come across as utterly ridiculous when you don’t even know what you’re arguing against.
Again, how do you stop people from queuing as DPS?
Disabling the option to queue as DPS would be the only way. And that will piss off more players than not, because, as I literally said a few posts up. No one, absolutely no one, enjoys being forced to do something they do not want to do.
You think Blizzard hasn’t thought of your suggestion before? Of course they have. But they know it won’t work, hence why the situation is the way it is.
Instead of asking, why don’t you do something about it and become a tank OP?
I love my Brewmaster, just saying.
I’ll help you read and think when I get back home, feel free to argue with yourself until then as you still haven’t read what I’ve suggested (hint: blizzard havent tried it yet).
Blizzard hasn’t tried it, because they’re not stupid enough to, as they know it won’t work.
This means blizzard would never have implemented flex raiding, as they knew it would help the issue of filling raid groups. Blizzard constantly make changes and try new things to improve the game and fix issues with it. They’re not the all-knowing mythological being you make them out to be.
Buy whatever man, keep shouting into the void. I doubt you have the attention span to read the suggestions being made anyway, much less the cognitive ability to reflect about their pros and cons.
The nerf in TWW wasn’t that huge like people think. Did it make it harder to solo? Yes. The level of difference is not big. We still have tanks solo bosses. It did not effect the pool of tanks like most think.
The reason why we are feeling the “lack” of tanks because the reward playing tanks is not worth the casual player anymore. We always have those people saying there’s no problem doing 10+ easy. Thats not the pool of the players who feeling the lack. Its the 2-8s and 12+.
Tanks are not rewarding to learn and be yell at for the knowledge checks.
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