So any plans for tomorrow?

With the class tuning coming tomorrow’s schedule maintenance I expecting servers to be back up around 3:00pm, giving it extra time just for the better.

What will everyone else be up to during this intermission period?

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Most likely sleeping


Laundry, Fix car, clean house, buy foods…

So, probably sleep in.


Work. Probably sneak on for Vault.

Level alts through Timewalking. Weekend is M+ time.

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going to visit my grandma.

Good thing about OCE is maintenance happen around 11 or 12pm so time to get some Z’s

Sleep and diablo 4 mostly

Continue my Elder Scrolls: Oblivion playthrough, maybe work on some video editing, perhaps even play Zomboid with my brother if he is available. Otherwise, eh, will see what happens when the time comes.

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home made ham and pineapple pizza for lunch, that is my plan.


Taking one of my kittehs to the vet for a follow up (had dental surgery poor guy. Sweetest orange tabby on the planet, but that orange DNA makes them soooo susceptible to health issues. :cry:)

Then a mani/pedi. :nail_care:t3:

The same thing we do every night, Pinky:
Try to safely maintain our place in the world!

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I’m sitting in my work parking lot right now, so probably that.

Playing lotro


I’ll be working until 6pm EST lol.

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I did you one better lol

:dragon: :ocean: :dragon: :ocean:

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Well i was heading to work, but my transmission said no, so i hobbled back to my mechanics shop not letting it shift out of 3rd. So I am out of a vehicle for a bit.

Same as always.


If for some reason its still haplening when i wake up ill prob finished up pikmin 4

Atm I’m in the hospital, kind of, so I’ll probably be walking around bored out of my mind.

Working on the remaining Jira stories before prepping for an application release sometime next week.