So angry about Valor

shes absolutely correct i upgraded 3 pieces I’m capped out on valor and have already replaced 2 pieces with vault gear great system blizz! no way to get my valor back nothing just screwed im not playing this week taking a break from the communism that is pve gearing atm.

I have 5 pieces upgraded /shrug

Also highly recommend 10/10 :ok_hand:

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thats not even possible unless your going from like 200 to 207.

You can check my armory? I have 5 220 items. If you are upgrading lower items, you are wasting valor.

you realize about 11% of players even have the ability to upgrade to 220 gear? i can only go to 213 and have still capped out with only 3 pieces upgraded.

its broken for the people who actually need it, works great for those who don’t even need it sounds like blizz needs to go into politics.

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Better to save the valor until you can get KSM. Unless you upgraded weapons, you shouldn’t have run out of valor with 3 items.

If you can’t get KSM with the gear that drops, that’s a personal issue.

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must be only upgrading rings and gloves and stuff great thing thats what my vaults always give me.

If you’re swimming in valor, try running a m0 for the greater loot drops from every boss. I got my bis belt with bonus speed on it. It just needs a little spit polish, but at least I have a nice piece to work on.

Because it’s not meant to gear you, it’s a supplement for people who are doing 15s but can’t get high ilvl rewards. This is the quote from blue:

So it’s working exactly as intended.


Thanks for digging though and linking that

My warrior has upgraded a trinket, boots, gloves, bracers, and pants and I have 250 valor to bring into next week.
And my pants were 207, so I was being impatient. I’m still kinda mad about this decision…

The idea is that you get 213 gear, and now you are more powerful and can become a keystone master. Then, you get 220 gear all the while collecting 226’s from the vault and becoming more powerful so you can push higher keys. They call this system “progression”. If you need 220 equipped to get KSM, the dungeon thing ain’t for you… respectfully ofcourse.


What’s wrong with using a 210 for your offspec? You’re acting like it’s going to completely kill your DPS or HPS.

While I agree we should have more Valor you’re being melodramatic, these kinds of posts are why the Devs don’t like reading forums, it’s not constructive and just whining.

I think there’s a values dissonance here. For some people, the gear is the goal, not the dungeon. The dungeon (or other content) is merely the means to an end.

Those who value dungeon completion for it’s own sake =/= those who value gear as endgame itself.

Some people just want to collect their bis gear because it’s their bis gear, no matter what content they are running. And you can shout at them “but you don’t neeeeeed bis 226 to complete world quests!” And it will never, ever sink in because values. They value gear collection, not content completion and all the rng systems that prevent bis collection feel bad to them.

There us no way to “win” at wow, only achieve your own personal goals.

how are you supposed to even get gear to do 15’s?? if its not meant to gear you?

with the cap two weeks in im already back to being hard capped with gear by my vault its not fun.

How did people get KSM before Valor was implemented and before the nerfs?



Same way people did before valor was a thing?

What did you upgrade and what ilvl did you upgrade from? I’ve upgraded 3 pieces and still have about 3k valor, so unless you upgraded a 2h weapon, you didn’t spend your valor wisely.

Ive run tons of m+ and keep getting anima monk trying to get a weapon and trinkets but just anima anima…making me get tired of playing tbh getting frustrated af got plenty of valor but I got nothing to upgrade lol…