So all we get for Wildhammer customization is... colored lines?

the only thing i want from dwarves is to let them be magni sized

he’s not too big to the point where he’s not a dwarf anymore, but big enough that the details on the armor are visible and he isn’t hard to see zoomed out

I doubt a height increase will come in for them considering the whole thing involving them just being Bronzebeard dwarves with tattoos. A height increase seems a bit out there and unrealistic.

This Tauren knows whats up

Uh… Have you - seen - the preview image from Blizzcon? It feature a couple of new hairstyles for dwarves. I’d bet we’ll get at least 3 styles per race/gender.

Plus besides that, we’ll probably get some accessories as well.

Time to add Wildhammer druids to go with the new skins! Cat form would become gryphon form ofc.


Cries in Frostborn

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Frostborn are already Alliance allies, so they could totally work! Start a thread :smile:.

In my post I said I would be fine with high elves for alliance it would just be kind of lazy to use another race slot with the model theyve used 3 times. I also said that blood elves should get blue eyes

I like the way you think

This too!!! We should get the full Dwarf family back together.
Council of SIX Hammers: Bronzebeard, Wildhammer, Dark Iron, Iron (the lightning one’s in Ulduar), Frostborn, and Earthern.


Pocket said they spent time, not effort. That’s… not contradictory at all.

You can spend a lot of time on something while not putting much effort into it. Like… you know, the majority of workers in the world who work for money and nothing else.

Yes, but they insinuated that because they didn’t spend effort it took forever for them to be completed.

When that clearly isnt the case. They were the only race to get their own rig. They took the most effort. They weren’t just modifying a pre-existing skeleton.

Meanwhile, 2 BlizzCons ago, Ion told us if Wildhammer ever come, they’d have to be as an Allied Race as they’re too different to just be customization.


You’re not getting another allied race. It’s just customization for Dwarves. Right? please tell me I’m right.

How did a post about Wildhammer Dwarves become a fight about High Elves???

…nevermind. Rhetorical question is rhetorical.

My shaman alt is a Wildhammer… right now that’s just head-canon plus my mog, so I’m looking forward to some Wildhammer customization, and I’ll settle for that if we’re not getting an Allied Race -I kind of think this shift towards customization signals an end to the Allied Race Craze.

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Everything is about High Elves nowadays.

Player A: “I want X.”
Player B: “You don’t really want X, you are just secretly asking for High Elves!”

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