So all we get for Wildhammer customization is... colored lines?

Yes, they spent too much time making a race no one plays. Smart people.

So which is it.

Did they spend too much time or half the effort?

It can’t be both.

(but lets be real, you just want to complain so you will claim its both. like you already did)


actually false statement. The pro high elf crowd has far fewer threads than the spam asking for blue eyes for blood elves and those that are anti high elf.

Someone counted them a couple weeks ago in a single day there was 3-5 pro high elf threads and 16 against them.

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They should have been the first allied race :angry:


I am sure more hair and beard styles will come later for dwarves in the alpha/beta. I really want druids to be given to dwarves now though. That would have been one of the primary things differentiating wildhammer from ironforge dwarves.

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Why are you complaining? Forsaken whose models look like a bad cartoon character from the 1950s are getting the hand-me-down skins the Chinese have had for like ten years… Thanks Blizzard.


You can not believe me all you want. Go and count them through the past month.

I did count them and that’s why I don’t believe you.


So far I went back 8 hours. 8 threads about high elves, or anti “blue eyes for blood elves”.

0 threads about wanting blue eyes for blood elves.


I can almost hear him furiously scrolling and counting.

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Gotta find the right cut off.

“If you only look at posts made on odd days where the humidity was greater than 87% in Savannah, GA in the last 23 days 4 hours and 15 mins, the blue eyed threads are more plentiful”

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They’d probably already sussed it out just by looking at you.


I said the past month not the past 8 hours. and most of these threads have existed for days or weeks. not created in a single day.

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You also said

So I was trying to keep with that.

Then you changed it to a huge homework assignment.

I went back 24 hours. It was no where close to what you are implying. If you want to support your statement by giving evidence to support it…feel free.

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You don’t say!

Considering they were created a couple weeks ago and not in the past 24 hours you of course wouldn’t find them and like I said most of the threads in the past 24 hours were already active and not created in the past 24 hours.

I have went back days and I don’t see them so they don’t exist.



So your point is that while there are more high elf threads, they have been around longer. So they don’t count.

And because blue eyes is a new issue for blood elves. This means there is more spamming about them? Because you are only looking at new posts?

I want to make sure I understand your point.

Did you even read their post?

Sorry, given previous performance we know what to expect. I wholeheartedly agree with this sentiment though:

I was disappointed when Dark Iron were announced … Wildhammer were already part of the Alliance and a much cooler Dwarf clan (IMO). Now that I’ve been playing my Dark Iron… I really like him, but I initially wanted Wildhammer.