So Again. What is the Jailer Actually trying to do?

He’s gonna fix balancing by making us all WW monks

Yeah but why? =/ His intentions were never clear, so the paranoia in the lore of SL seems very disconnected. What if his version of the universe is better?


Meanwhile the balance Druids: “I thought he said he was gonna fix us?”

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He is basically a power rangers villain. Take over the universe make people serve him etc.

He wants to eliminate free will and make an orderly universe where he’s essentially sockpuppeting everyone.

He wants his own private Minecraft server, where everything is under his God Mode control. A truly peaceful universe where nothing goes wrong. Also no one has any real control or awareness of their actions cause it’s literally just everyone being forced to obey one person.

Rewriting Reality would probably mean ‘erase the concept of Free-will and allow the Jailer unlimited power to control everyone at once’

So basically the Anti-Life Equation from DC.


My question is who ripped off who?
WoW ripping off the MCU and Thanos, or the other way around?

He’s really more ripping off Darkseid than Thanos at this point. Thanos, the movie variant, is just trying to make the universe sustainable in an insane method, making him more like Sargeras.

Comic Thanos just wants to dump truck the equivalent of a universe’s worth of chocolate/dead souls to make the literal sentient concept of Death love him.


Bout to just send you the link to the avengers story synopsis

Well you see hes going to take that infinity gauntlet of his and snap his fingers possibly in a cutscene after we get him to a certain health percentage. And when he does reality will be remade and the next expansion basis will be left there like a sword in silithus. Afterwhich he will gracelessly expire never actually explaining his deal.

He accidently undoes the entire expansion and we have to do it again, but faster.

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Except Rita Repulsa was written with more depth.

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What makes it all the more DC is that there is just a MACHINE to unmake reality, if we use it to destroy the Jailer then this really is just ripping off a Superman V Darkseid storyline…

I mean it’s literally a Deus Ex Machina in every sense of the word, which is older than even DC. It was just how a lot of Greek plays ended with some kind of guy playing a God lowered by some wire from up high to resolve the problem.

It’s usually when you need some outside source to resolve the issue. Like if we lose to the Jailer and suddenly Kool-Aid Man comes bursting in and beats him for us.


You do realize this particular trope is older than both WoW and Marvel?

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TGhe stupid thing though is that the Titans shouldn’t be afraid of them because when they show up in the game we’ll beat their asses in a patch or two… Like they establish these big bads and they all just get knocked down like chumps.

“The Jailer” err…I mean totally not Darkseid :sweat_smile:

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Remember how we struggled against a newborn titan who had been driven insane in utero, and even then, we all died during the fight, several times over, because we had the literal pantheon helping us take him out by death running us into him until he finally died.


That’s not true at all. Sargeras was once a good titan that was fighting the void. He went mad once he realized that he was fighting an endless battle and the only way to save the universe from the void was by killing the life so it could not be consumed. Sargeras still had a “noble” goal, he was just twisted in the way he was trying to go about it.


He’s gonna create player housing, duh!

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“What did it cost?”

“The Playerbase”