So, after a quick google search, I have to ask

Given that WoW team, not counting Marketing and other “business” related folks, WoW, as it appears, got over 100 developers working strictly on game content.

What is up with all the slacking? Internal testing?
While certain aspects of the game turned out nice, I can’t help but notice that the vast majority of patch notes are fixes to existing poorly-designed systems. They are going back and fixing their mistakes. Has it not crossed anyone’s mind in the team that collecting thousands of anima to get transmog/sanctum/pets/mounts will be miserable with only 35 anima? Surely enough, after the entire playerbase lashed out, they increased it. But why did it have to go this far?

I can’t imagine it takes 100 people to increase anima drops and raid drops.
I can’t imagine it takes 100 people to buff classes by 5%.

There are still so many ongoing issues, that frankly, should not take much time to fix. What are we getting next, 1 dungeon and 1 zone? Even after BFA, this just seems rather silly.


I am just baffled at why content seems to be less and less each xpac rather than increase, when it has been announced they make more and more money each year.


I take it you have never written any enterprise level software in your life.


I take it all you do is shill for a multi BILLION dollar company and what’s allegedly supposed to be their crown jewel franchise.

The real statement here should be, I take it you’ve indulged yourself in the nothing burger the devs continue to present. Half effort needs to stop being rewarded and greater accountability needs to be pushed to deliver a BETTER product.

We know they can do better. They know they can do better.

Stop white knighting for a massive company.

Mod Edit: Removed inappropriate language.


This like asking why can’t a car manufacturing company make cars without missing doors and windows. This is a silly argument.


So the answer to my question is you don’t know jack about software development. Typical wow player with dunning kruger


Can you share your github link? If I will see an enterprise level software that you developed, I will apologize. If I dont, don’t forget to shut the door on the way out.

And I won’t be disclosing my actual career, but I do work in tech field :slight_smile:


Something Something beer virus Something Something


They can’t use the beer virus as an excuse anymore for poor content. Especially not when quite a few other companies are thriving despite the beer virus.


I know but the shills will

I would say Call of Duty might be the crown jewel. You forget it’s Activision, not just Blizzard.

True that

While same company, 2 different enterprises Two different, massive teams manager their own product.

I think the King brand also made more in the last quarter if I remember correctly (aka the candy crush folks). Lots of money to be had in the mobile world.

Their design philosophy I think which I kinda hate.
‘‘We are fine if you don’t want to do WQ’s after a bit… we are fine if it takes you X amount to get some anima… we want you doing things every day but at a slow pace’’.

I remember the press for the pre-release saying it was the most ambitious expansion they’d ever done.

Even if you didn’t like cataclysm, you can’t deny it was incredibly ambitious in its scope - redesigning the entire world.

TBC launched with over a dozen dungeons

The amount of unique content in shadowlands pales compared to some previous expansions, which were made with smaller teams…


Yea dude totally gonna share my personal linkedin and github so I can prove to some IT clown that I’m a dev…/s

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Theres nothing unquie about systemlands.

Same borrowed power system, torghast is basically visions which was the mage tower.
Mythic plus is still the same old slog, nothing new there.
Same with raids and pvp.

Literally nothing in this expac is new or unquie.


The entire world has been reworked. Professions have been separated by expansion. Chromie time, party sync, levels of dungeons. Changing all the gear in the game to match that. There’s a ton of questing changes, even along with some quests text and objectives. Not to mention troubleshooting the Entire game and all dungeons. Which is still ongoing.

Along with that crazy feat, there’s shadowlands area and endgame.

While I don’t like it and think they should have left the game alone. I understand that what they did took a lot of effort. I understand they did it to more easily incorporate newer players into the game since now the new player can just concentrate on the newest expansion.

I dislike what this game has become, but don’t belittle the accomplishment of those involved.


Imagine pretending to know how hard the devs are working or not.