So about these treasure map missions

What exactly is the purpose of these randomly popping up as titan reisduum rewards if they give a measly 15 all the while tying up my followers for a solid day with the best combination I could make (with all my recruits and followers available) was 122% when I’m most likely not even getting the ap bonus…

On average I can get more titan reisiduum in a single day from scrapping 370’s than even 2 or 3 of these missions reward. Why does it give so little if it’s classified as “a lucrative mission” and the new pieces cost 1700 TR

What’s worse is this is the second time in a row I got the TR one


Wait til you get one that’s for a green item of another armor class. Totally worth it.



I laughed :stuck_out_tongue:

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Where are you getting these treasure maps from?

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They’re the reward for collecting azerite on Island Expeditions. The quest is turned in to the troll in front of the table where you queue. They unlock a “lucrative” treasure mission on your boat’s mission table.

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Don’t even get me started on those stupid maps. I get artifact power the most frequently. I wish I got a boe green at least because I could then sell it or collect it. More and more do those stupid maps seem to be pointless.

I’m not spending 200 resources on AP. A grey item that sells for 50g would be of more value.


Ohhh, I didn’t know they had different rewards. I’ve done it twice now and both times the reward including the bonus was like 4-4.5k AP.

I have a bunch of alts and I’m into transmog. I’d prefer to get the greens over the TR. if it was a duplicate piece I could at least make a profit off it

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I was pretty sure I read they can give you the mounts from the islands but I’ve yet to see one that wasn’t green boe, AP, residuum or 5k gold.

I can respect that. I like my mog stuff too so I mail them off to an appropriate armor class alt. They just bum me out cause it doesn’t feel like a “treasure” reward. Maybe I would feel differently if I ever used the auction house but I do not :frowning:

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Do they really give you 15 residuum? That’s such a waste of time, lol.

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It’s 2k AP.

Trust me I know. /sigh

Yes. It gives a random amount according to wowhead ranging from 15-23 apprently. The bonus is 1500 ap but it was near impossible to reach with my current troops (22% chance for the AP).

I think I got maybe 18 last week?

Yep. Super lame. There’s a “bonus” chance but I’ve never gotten a bonus, even with all the followers and recruits.

Blizzard it’s a weekly reward, this should have been quite a bit higher. Especially since we’re in the catchup phase of BfA before a new raid. I’m thinking at least 100 Residuum.

Don’t worry, neck caps at level 50 – you’re almost there!

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Not on my alts though… cries

I just want my mogs and mounts but man even 5 maps a week gives me nothing.

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Activision has rewritten the definition of treasure. I make this observation based off what we get from open world ‘treasure’ chests.


You get war resources every time! Who doesn’t love those?