So about these item level upgrades

Kind of out of control on how much they cost to upgrade aye…


One round of upgrades is more expensive then the most expensive item you can buy, and there are like thirty tiers of advancement to get through.
It’s garbage.


but does it make you pew pew more? like better then cloak?

Once you’ve got to like ilvl 500 in each slot and gem appropriately.
Cloak has always been a meme problem, not the actual source of power, because tinker, meta and stat gems all scale with your gear’s ilvl.


Gear supposedly scales exponentially with respect to ilvl.

That means that the % gains from a tier level (13-14 ilvl) are fixed.

So I have a guildmate who updated his gear 3 tiers and I used simcraft to figure out the following;

(dps_1)a^3 = dps_2 → a^3 = 1.6593… → ln(a) = ln(1.6593…)/3 → ln(a) = 0.168 → 1.18387 = a

So you get about a 20% increase to power per level of gear purchased (it’s maybe a bit more or less but the specifics don’t matter all that much.)

If I upgrade my gear from 346 up one tier I go from 120k dps to about 144k dps. So I got 24k dps.

If I upgrade my gear to the maximum level (from level 13 upgrades to level 14 upgrades) I got

120x1.2^14-120x1.2^13 = 256.78k dps

So blizzard is saying that 24k dps should cost as much as 10 times that amount. That’s the crazy part of their pricing system.

The system they implemented makes sense from the point of view that the % gains are flat but it makes absolutely no sense when you’re looking at the absolute value of what you gain on an upgrade.

EDIT: To put that another way, the last tier upgrades should really cost 10 times what the first tier of upgrades costs


Yeah. That is insane and why I am not bothering upgrading gear.
It’s all gone in less than 90 days anyway.


almost 50k each round

Head-Shoulders-Chest-Pants-Gloves 4500 each per upgrade

wrist and waits 3900 per upgrade

weapon: 9000 per upgrade

You can’t upgrade a sole item to it’s max ilvl, you need to upgrade all of them at the same time.



Oh no… it’s almost like they don’t want you to be a max ilvl after only one week! BLASPHEMY!

The fact that it costs more to upgrade gear one level than the most expensive mounts, is just comical.


Have you thought for a second that maybe they are rewarding players who already have those mounts with a faster route to eventually farming what they joined remix for?

Like if a guy doesn’t have to spend 39k x 4-5 mounts that bronze can go towards upgrading their gear. Crazy huh.

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Not really, you need to invest up to maybe 500 ilvl before seeing any considerable damage.

It’s been almost 2 weeks now. Most people hit max level in a new expansion in less time than that so this sentiment doesn’t really work here. If people want to clear the content quickly let them do that. Time gating is lame.

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Gearing is like a train starting, slow at first but once you start getting going you can get a whole round of upgrades a night.

I upgraded my gear to 374 and it makes killing stuff so fast I only get through my rotation if I’ve rounded up 15-20 mobs. And I only have one trinket, no rings or neck. I won’t bother with further upgrades, but two levels was totally worth it.

Shoulders, waist, gloves and boots are actually 3,375, wrists are 2530.
Doesn’t make it better, of course, but it’s better to be accurately angry than just angry.

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I’m mathematically correct angry!

Is not like we have a choice, if you want to get invited to heroic or Mythic, you need to get your gear above 400 ilvl.

Some of you all are crazy. I see fresh 70’s pulling like 30k and here I am, at the 488 and whatever is before it mark pulling 800k+ as a tank on single target fights without ward cheese (which is rare because most people have caught onto it). Even 2-3 upgrade levels take normal raid content and below faceroll. You absolutely do not need to have those items be 500+ before noticing appreciable power levels.

Thanks for the lengthy response. I want to upgrade as i want to clear some raids and tried last night but we wiped heaps on the eye boss as our dps was all so low and people didnt know how to do mechanics i guess…

It’s something I’m doing very slowly. I upgraded my 2 epic and saw I couldn’t upgrade again till I brought everything up to match. I know that once you upgrade a slot to a certain level doing it again on another piece is a lot less, but it’s a huge chunk to get there.

I wish it was a different currency, like gold.