So about that survival season 4 tier

Still hasn’t been fixed blzz…


Their fix is to wait for people to stop playing Survival.
It’s getting the Demo treatment in WoD, only for some reason they’re dragging the misery out for much longer…

They’ve got much more important stuff to deal with.

Like making sure nobody can ever catch up to the froggers in Remix.

It feels bad. There’s constant updates/hot-fixes and balancing being posted for Cata & Remix. But survival is forgotten about.

At this point let us trade our polearm back in for bullions and just tell us you need time, and have us switch specs.


Whats a survival? didn’t we remove that in legion?
-ion hazzikotas

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Hunter got an update on alpha, wooo, it’s a nerf.

7 weeks now of hunter S4 tier being worthless, unless you have all 528s for a 1% increase for ST only. We can downgrade from 528 ilevel gear to 483 gear, and outdps it.

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