So about DH's

Yes it is 30 sec duration and probably scales off the tyrants core conduit

If demo wants to use fel lord and tyrant asap they need to hard cast 2 shadow bolts before the rest of the combo

Fel lord also scales the tyrant like crazy, with no imps mine was critting 30k on dummies

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Shard costs right

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They should nerf necro demon heal

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I’ve said that before maybe like last season, the heal and the bonus from it should be brought down. A lot of complaints about DH is the necro covenant.

The key to beating demon hunters is supposed to be controlling them/living through their cooldowns and kiting. It’s really frustrating to almost die a bunch of times to meta damage, make it through defensive cooldowns, have a perfectly executed setup and a win in the bag just to have a massive RNG heal go off at the wrong time. The blur bug needs to be fixed too. Blur CD is too short for that much dodge. The duration of meta, short CD on defensives, etc. all compound how frustrating that huge RNG heal is.

If it makes you feel better I don’t play necro lol. I hate the RNG of it going sometimes like a minute into the game before I get a single proc.

ur a beast playing ven dawg

does it actually kinda clap??

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Huge damage. And it’s on demand, so no bad demon procs where you’re left sitting there with your thumb up your rear for 3+ minutes.

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it doesnt

terrible covenant any with brain will just press dispel and his damage is lost

dont get mislead by randoms with 2k + games and tricked into playing a meme build

Damn, I sense some salt on ya. Who hurt you? Fighting at 2800MMR as venthyr, guess no one at that rating has a brain.

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is that supposed to be high 1 month before the season end?

you are literally qing dh dk at a point in the season where mmr it’s most inflated

don’t mislead others on the forums into thinking ur build is viable just because u finally manged to climb when mmr went up by 300 to 400 points after playing 1.3k games

If it’s fine to top 500 then it’s definitely fine for most people who just want rival, duelist or glad. :woozy_face: Reliably having a ton of damage in the opener is really good right now, especially with a Death Knight who’ll be walking in and turning limb on.


hey i mean if you wanna play a gimped build for fun knock yourself out

but acting like this is viable because he is somehow “making it work” at 2800 mmr 1 month before season end is just too cringe for me imho

Must have got ya with it huh? 2800 mmr when r1 cut off is like 2970 rn is something.


It is, at least outside of r1 range, so it applies to like 99.9% of players.

You say that like it’s bad. I get how Necro is probably the better overall when people aren’t exploding in the opener but that’s just games at most mmrs. Even top end of the ladder sometimes.

Why are u hiding and talking trash

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uhh it is bad LOL

when your entire build is rotated around pressing one button that could be dispelled every time you press it it’s a trash build, there is no sugarcoating it lmao it’s equivalent to getting your dark soul purged

and you don’t seem to understand that just because he is playing at that range doesn’t mean his build is viable; my dude has over 1.3k games and was hardstuck 500 mmr below where he is right now for the entirety of the season until the very last month after everything got nerfed and he finally gets to spam q dh dk into demo lock apes at 2800 mmr. that doesn’t make his build viable LOL it just means he is qing at the right time where the ladder is most inflated

if you want an example go look at dew, he played vesper all season at a competitive mmr but it doens’t make his build viable lmao

my dude i don’t even think i have ever lost to you even on my 5th alt with that 2400 hardstuck dk on your team, good try tho

Fixed it for him.


i don’t get what this argument is about

venthyr dh is awful and not viable

all your damage is lost if their healer presses dispel


Good thing we pushed with LFG healers past 2700cr not just mmr. Next post please.