So about DH's

If Fury was OP, then when does the ridiculousness that is DH get nerfed?


My brother they won’t even fix Blur giving +30% more omnidirectional dodge than it should.


Hey I just made a DH don’t nerf me yet

DH likely would have been nerfed, but all the people who played Necro Havoc last season rerolled Fury this season, and DH fell under the radar.

It’s not really under the radar it’s just not as good as fury.

40% ms and literally more uptime with less DPS rotational buttons to press makes it worse.

Fury is still cranking too. That’s the best part.


The best thing about the Fury nerfs so far has just been that most of the people who played it aren’t literate, so instead of noticing they’re still God-tier, they rolled something else or quit playing. Lol

Jim and I did 7 games on Thursday, only 1 was a Fury team. Legit the first time the entire season that half or more of our games weren’t into Fury/healer.


I almost exclusively fight rogue/healer. Wishing I had fury warriors q’ing up.


I tried some 3s with my sp friend and 90% were demo lock teams… I honestly much rather queue into ret warr (and so does he even if he’s the one being tunneled most games).

W/e happened to having an actual main.

?? buff dh??


Yeah all the fury FOTM went to demo locks. All up the ladder you see demo locks with an UNH Dk lol.


Total opposite for me. We eat RM/ and Rogue/Healer alive, but Fury just cucks us like crazy. lol

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nerf demo lock

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if rogue is losing to a dh, they are really really really bad


1500s Chronicles

More than half my 3s this week have been vs demo

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I got a vacation for this no no word, be careful

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Gotten to the point where if I don’t have darksoul up I just deathbolt the bet

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I was this week old when I learned cloning the pet turns off soul link, do you know if banish does the same?

I haven’t tested but probably, sometimes I pre banish the felguard on the tyrant cast so he doesn’t have kick/stun and so the tyrant doesn’t scale as hard

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Speaking of tyrant am I right in thinking that tyrant increases fel lord duration