So 9.1 means death of non rated players I guess

Basically, from what I’m reading, 9.1 is the death of non rated / casual players.

It looks like players with 30-35k health will be facing rated players and their 60k health.

I honestly never thought I would see the end but it looks like this patch is the nail in the coffin so to speak.

So one more for the road.

Gear tied to a players rating is f’n stupid and any developer who says otherwise, should be fired asap.



Ya I was skeptical when they said they will go back to WoD gearing. Adding in vendors only to make gear locked by rating and renown levels = stupid af.


Speak with your wallet. Cancel your sub and state the reason being pvp gear upgrades are tied to rating. I did. If enough unsubs happen then perhaps they will change the system. I don’t pretend to know the amount of unsubs for this reason would influence Act/Blizz.

In MoP casuals could get the highest ilvl pvp gear. It didn’t seem to hurt the game then. MoP was the most fun and the most amount of hours I’ve ever put into WoW as a casual pvper. But, for as many people that liked MoP pvp maybe there were more that hated it? Again, can’t say I know. Just that, it was the best time I ever had on WoW. I didn’t even have to think about rated games or even step into a dungeon. PvE peeps were in their own little world it felt like. Ah well, MoP is dead and gone so … shrug. Move along.

Any major change like removing rating requirement probably wouldn’t happen until the next expansion anyway so enough time to decide if resubbing is worth it for you. The dev team’s road map for SL was craved in stone before release. Any changes they are allowed to do will most likely be tweaks at the already approved plan that was laid out.

The game can’t please everyone. We might not be their target audience anymore.


Rated should and have always given upgrades, not sure why people feel entitled to having the same gear / power as someone who plays ranked endgame


Perhaps I’m weird for saying this but it almost feels like Blizzard wants the older players to leave and make room for new younger players.

I get a lot of grief for not doing rated material when truth be told, I’m a little older now and not as quick as I was 15 years ago.

I do well when players are around my own gear but I don’t have the quickness to react to a steathed convoke or a pally Insta cast death beams like I use to.

I still enjoy PvP but it’s just gonna get worse and this old guy won’t survive .



You and I disagree then; that’s fine. You have nothing to worry about. Blizz agrees with you, and that’s fine too.

In MoP, rated gave cosmetic rewards and some weapon enchant. So there was a small time when rated didn’t offer increased power for being higher ranked. I’m simply saying, for this reason, MoP was my favorite time in WoW.


Yes upgrades are fine I guess. But why the huge gap between rated and non rated gear

And why are all the rates players in random battlegrounds.

I’ll tell you why.

You are like twinks and only play against those with an obvious disadvantage.

Notice how the twinks all vanished ? I think you may be afraid to play against players with an equal health bar.


We never should have hired the vanilla, tbc and wrath devs. No one would want to play those again.

Oh, wait…

So, rated pvp?

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Oof, I don’t catch grief. I play rated because I’m forced to for upgrades. It’s miserable, and I will never hit 2100 so I will sink many hours and have nothing to show for it.

I don’t know the middle ground. Maybe normalize stats in non-rated games, but I’m sure people will hate that too.


But all this did was make players do rated for a short period in order to get the best gear and for the next 9 months, do random battlegrounds.

We can all see you and your 45k health in randoms. You’re not fooling anybody.


What? You claimed players are afraid to face people their own ilvl. Do you actually pretend that no one does rated pvp, where that is pretty much exactly what happens?

I personally do not do many yolo bgs. They are the lfr of pvp and frankly, watching people afk or backpedal while fighting on roads is an awful experience.

No man don’t sweat it that nail is firmly held back because Activision is innately aware that their current game is a dumpster fire and are very much in the works of releasing all of the previous expansions in which had nothing to do with them to keep the income rolling in

Sorry for the confusion. My wording was bad. I didn’t mean you personally.

the problem is that for every1 who unsbus due to the bad gearing system, theres 1 or more people buying 10 wow tokens to buy boosts.

their profits r up despite subs being low, because of wow token sales.

IIRC there was an article saying blizzards profits were at an all time high or something? maybe im remembering wrong.


Yea, this could be the case. Profit is the number one concern. If they are somehow making bank from people buying carries and can tie the sale of the tokens to said carries, it would be hard to blame them not to be incentivized to throw casuals without deep pockets a bone.

Yeah, I’ve just been trolling the boards the last couple of weeks, no desire to log into the game anymore. Haven’t cancelled yet, but I can’t see continuing to pay for a game I’m not logging into.


Going to be tough to discuss that with someone who pretty much changed the “facts” to suit a personal narrative; and it’s quite common.

“entitled to having the same gear /”

While there are some, most who are against gear variance never say this. They want it to be somewhat competitive or worthwhile.

It’s actually weird in some ways as those who will say “play rated, git gud” are essentially arguing that they should simply roll over anyone casual content since they earned it. Where’s the competitive spirit :slight_smile: ?


Remember when you could grind BGs to get a full conquest set but it would just take longer?

This is why they need to bring back a pvp stat because you can’t do this without one.


I would be perfectly happy with that!

One of the people saying that in this very thread bought a boost. That’s the kind of “casual” player Blizzard thinks should be rewarded.