So 10 man sm faster then questing?

I see a lot of spam for 10 man SM runs is it that good for 30-40s leveling than questing?

No, nothing is faster than than MOP grinding. While it looks faster, once it’s going, it’s actually not.

for gear? Quite a few good blues there and quest rewards, which in turn help grind.

Its actually not a bad idea to do it for a couple levels. Just enough to get you some upgrades and above the questing curve.

As far as power leveling? Maybe with the right group… but you are missing out on reputation gains arent you?

I’m pretty sure the player in 1st place is a solo mage

Yeah it’s fine to do like once for that reason, then go back to questing.

It’s faster only if you are inefficient at questing or a class that sucks at questing.

I think it’s only faster if your group is doing 5 runs per hour and doesn’t wipe. One wipe per hour is probably enough to bring it below questing in terms of xp/hour. Although I’d prob do it for a bit to get some gear and maybe a level or two (you have to grind a couple levels anyways around 25-35ish to not run out of quests)

It’s also easily the most boring way to level. This meta is so bad lol

Yep. This is why they brought classic back for us to play. So everyone can rush to endgame and be a twitch star.


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I dont think it’ll stay meta. The racers are racing right now. Once they’re level capped, the folks who aren’t racing will do what they find fun.

At least on my server a hunter and a mage are tied

Naw people will want to do what they saw people on stream do. This will remain the leveling meta for a while, regardless of if it’s actually better or not. I honestly don’t think it is (all the people with the highest levels are all playing solo), but ya, I think it’s here to stay for a while unfortunately

Number one mage is lvl 59 and hes on twitch streaming aoe grinding and layer hoping GG blizzard

I have been watching the race to 60 a bit. I have no personal stake in it, and it doesn’t affect my personal play, but I thought it would be fun. I’ve been kind of disappointed to see how people have abused certain systems. They aren’t doing anything wrong per say, but it is still really disheartening to see the world first using the layer system to layer hop. And all the method people simply copying the next guy and jumping into a SM Raid or ZF Raid to get experience. Using anti–afk methods to stay in the servers and avoid login times.

The reason? It doesn’t feel like vanilla. These behaviors didn’t exist in any form, and it would have been cool to see a true vanilla-like race. Perhaps a a bunch of Joana’s going at it. Or a Joker soloing out in the real world beating the meta instance raiding and grp grinding, but without using layering to do it, so that it felt more like the old times.

I mean these people are simply going with what’s best, and that’s how it is. But it made me feel a bit sad to see this is how it’s done. Feels like Joana still has the record in my heart, and I was hoping to see some more originality from the leveler, not just a dungeon grind or a layer hop. I like tipsout and a few other streamers who are good guys, but seeing him pickup a raid in Scarlet Monastery just because someone before him was doing it and fairing better, made me feel it’s just a bunch of copycats out there. They were already copying eachothers dungeon grind groups with spell and melee cleave.

Check out ahmpy’s stream, he’s like 55 or something just solo questing

A group of 7 of us did this last night in SM Graveyard. Once we got the hang of the pulls and doing things properly, it did go very smoothly.

That being said, we wiped a few times which definitely slowed us down tremendously. If you’re going to do this, make sure you have a solid group of people who know what they’re doing.

1 wipe or bad pull makes this inefficient. I don’t really think it’s worth it TBH.

ya they can’t quest they might get ganked so they need to level to 60 in a nice safe bubble.