Snurk Bucksquick is the cutest goblin ever!

Take a look at what Snurk Bucksquick(Orgrimmar Zeppilin host) tells you if you talk to her on a female goblin.

Now take a look at what she says if you talk to her on a male goblin :yum:

Love how flirty she gets if you talk to her on a male goblin. I haven’t tested this with gnomes yet, but I can only assume her response would be a fistful of explosives. I love little details like this. The goblin starting zone also has many different quotes depending on if you play male or female goblins.


I love all the NPCs that have different dialogues based on your race/gender even if it’s just the littlest things. This is a great example thank you Gnomest


Indeed. Thirsty little goblin I tell you. I mean she is standing in Orgrimmar which is scorching hot.


What if a male orc talks to her? Does she still get flirty? Or does she only like gobbos :(?

Actually. Just tested it. She will flirt with any male of any horde side race. Still cute though and a nice touch of detail.

Male orc x female goblin is a very… interesting combination…

This is why I love goblins so much. They have some of the most fun personalities.

I think it’s just a male/female check. I’ve never heard the other line and I only really play male characters.

She’s definitely a brave gobbo to be hitting on tauren though.

Have you done the quests with Gail Nozzywig in Razor hill? She has different quest dialog depending on gender.

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No, but I am going to do them on my male and female goblin sometime. I am really curious now. I have a female goblin that is almost out of the goblin starting zone.

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Nothing ventured, nothing gained. :stuck_out_tongue:

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She says that to all guy characters. She has been since Vanilla.

Why would she want a feeble little goblin man though?

Also not as cute as gnomest =P

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