Snow in Stormwind

Yes, hello.

It took 84 years but we finally have rain in Stormwind after all of these years.

Can we please have snow and it sprinkle a dusting on the cobblestone streets of Stormwind? Pweeze :pleading_face:

Also, is anyone else happier on over cast/rainy or snowy days? Hands? Just me?


I have always hoped that with some of our advanced environment-modifying items like the inky black potion, that we would be able to make it rain or snow in zones for our eyes only! Additionally, it would be great if we could choose night/day, especially for our OCE players who are usually playing in the nighttime.


If it’s another 84 years we won’t have to worry about it. :joy:


Those would be the ultimate potions 🥹

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Wait did they finally add the weather back in?


Do you not go to Stormwind? It rains in STORM wind periodically now. It’s wild.

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Not if I can help it lol

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Thank you for the laugh :joy:

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Read the thread and immediately thought of the snow events in GTAO and how the entire world is drastically changed, including the physics. I would love to see that happen in WoW.

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It would be so beautiful. I’ve wanted seasons for years in the game.

Imagine Elwynn forest with autumn leaves :heart_eyes:


Stormwind remained my favorite city for a long time. Silvermoon is great. Saw it at the end of its glory days when there were still a fair amount of people roaming the streets. Then Suramar, but Boralus harbor took number spot. So many places in Pandaland. I just love weather and storms.


If they ever redo the faction hubs it would be super sick if they added seasonal details. Fall, winter, spring… We spend enough time in these places that it would be nice to actually see some real love invested into them.

I want to see Orgrimmar in full bloom in the spring! “It’s a desert it won’t change” lies, naysayers have never been to an arid place in their life.


Blooming cactus would be beautiful.

There are so many neat ways to add life into the game this way.

One day, I hope, they will have even more passionate ppl that put the world into World of Warcraft. Because the art team is always spot on.


To do seasons they’d have to do some new texture work, but honestly they could probably get pretty far with just texture palette swaps, e.g. for autumn in Elwynn just use Azshara textures and hue-shifted tree leaf textures. For winter in Elwynn, use Dun Morough textures and Duskwood dead tree models but with snow painted on the branches, etc.

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Yes. I do not think it’s asking too much. Similar to how the cities and towns are decorated for holidays but seasons xD

If they really wanted to get fancy with it, seasons could also present an opportunity to mix up leveling. Like it’s not hard to imagine that the NPCs, quests, and mobs available in a zone would change with the seasons.


Right? Stop it. This would be so neat.

I think if it’s exclusive to Orgrimmar and Stormwind you can make a case for it.

They’re the zones we’re meant to exist in for the long haul, as Dalarans and Oriboses come and go. I’d be fine to see seasons exclusive to these cities.

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Nothing better coffee on a rainy day.

The weather effect orbs you get from MoP show how nice other weather effects in the cities would be.


Yessss. I’m happier on overcast days. So cozy. Warm beverages and candles lit.