Sneak peak of Totemic on Youtube

As the title says, Tiqqe has released a video of the Totemic build.

Looks as Totemic will be using a lot of the fire talents

Looks like I cannot post the video link…I guess I do not post enough?

And from his 1st look at it, underwhelming. It’s not as good as it can be for Enhancement.

It almost seems like Blizz didn’t even think of anything for the Totemic hero spec. This looks like they thought of it last week. I think I would have preferred something like the totems lasting a lot longer or having some kind of upkeep related to a certain spell.

Then the totems are more “alive” now. So lets say Windfury totem now also has like a semi transparent windspirit come out of it and it’ll attack nearby enemies. Healing Stream will cast healing spells. Repositioning totems can be important with Projection. I dunno, maybe a little more than just adding another totem.

So the whole datamined spire totem three stacking was scrapped I guess?

There are a few interesting nodes here but overall it’s meh.

Totemic looks really really bad for enhance be honest. The left side uses stormstrike/windfury, but elementalist build almost never uses stormstrike and windfury is almost no damage making those talents useless. On the right it uses lava lash(some builds use) and hailstorm/firenova, which storm build doesn’t use. Then on the capstone it has everything but frost. So picking up hailstorm instead of firenova, which gains effect from the capstone, makes it a bad pick.

Then to add salt in the wound, it FORCES you to pick soo many talents to get the most out of the hero talents. Windfury weapon,flametongue weapon, Windfury totem, Sundering, Elemental Blast, Frost Shock, Hailstorm/fire nova, lava lash, molten assault, ascendance, any/all class totem talents that I don’t know the names of because they are mostly useless, and ascendance. You shouldn’t have to have ANY talents to make a hero talent tree work.

I honestly hope this isn’t what they have planned because whoever made it has no clue about enhancement shaman at all. Totemic has absolutely zero cohesion based on current playstyles. It’s like they imagined Enhance playing with all the elements, but ignored that the only 2 specs we have are fire/frost/nature and wind/nature, which don’t really mix because each requires all the talent points to work.

You want to go elementalist? well now half your hero talents don’t work and are useless. That sounds fun…

The whole playstyle of dropping a totem and having to work around it flat out sucks. Have they never played M+ at all? Tanks are constantly dragging pulls… which is going to make totemic’s life a living hell. You’re going to be giving up GCD’s to moving/replacing totems. It’s why I won’t pickup Windfury totem in M+, it’s super annoying wasting time for an incredibly small dps increase.

Which brings my next point. They finally give us windfury raid wide, but it requires a freaking hero spec? Windfury should have been raid wide period and it should be like like mana tide,formerly manatide totem, where it’s an aura around us. This is a QOL that should be baseline. Jamming it in a hero tree is like spitting in the face of enhancement shamans. Don’t like Totemic? Well guess what? You’re forced to pick it for the raid buff. Absolutely tone deaf and oblivious.

What needs changed? Well ALL of the hero talents need to be using our BASE kit. You shouldn’t be forced into talents to make hero specs work. It also needs to deal uncapped AOE damage. /rant There is a massive disparity between classes with uncapped aoe and those without, I’m honestly flabbergasted that Blizzard has continued to allow this failure in class balance to continue. Either all AOE needs to be capped or none of it. /rant. The QOL features need to be baseline, that includes the class totem talent ones and the windfury one. Instead make windfury do something cool for the shaman so it’s not a forced raid pick. Finally pick a theme and stick to it. It feels like they were like lets do totems, no lets do elements! And smooshed them together into this abomination.

I could do a talent by talent breakdown, but I’m not in alpha and they won’t listen anyway. Bottom line this is really REALLY bad and it needs scrapped. I still think totems are a terrible thing to base a hero spec on so I can only pray they change it. Otherwise they need to actually play enhancement shaman so they understand how things work instead of just making a tree without any consideration that some things don’t work well or at all together.


I spent a few minutes reading over the nodes and my god I’m more convinced than ever that the devs don’t actually play their own game.

Edit: someone already said it above but what the actual is this half assed blend of SS/LL gameplay? Why are there triggers tied to both of these? If they’re trying to appeal to both subspecs of enh they kind of did with totemic, this is the most god awful way of going about it. It completely disrupts the already present spec for elementalist, and I could care less about the 1 button spam spec but it looks like it’s going to add some weird priorities there as well.

The mountain of negative feedback already given has been ignored, and this tree looks like it will be no different.

And this is after so many QoL changes for enh specifically and it being in one of the best mechanical spots it’s ever been, absolutely insane.

:open_mouth:SNEAK PEAK TOTEMIC! Enhance / Resto Shaman HERO TALENTS #TheWarWithin - YouTube

Link to Tiqqle’s video.

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Pretty disappointed in Totemic. It’s a bunch of super bland abilities that just give some minor tweaks to some, honestly, pretty situational totems. As things stand now, I’ll probably never run Totemic. I’ll be Farseer for Resto and Stormbringer for Elemental and Enhancement.

I don’t play resto, but my limited knowledge of it thinks this looks very good for them.

The tree is obviously designed with elementalist enhancement in mind on the other side. I honestly don’t hate it. I like dropping totems so long as it is satisfying to do, and the totem this tree revolves around sounds like a good one.

Eight second searing totem procs from lava lash could be fun. It also has the best defensive node of the three. An absorb shield is better than what the other two trees get.

Obviously this is moot without knowing what (if anything) is going to happen with the base trees.

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I was actually excited to get healing rain as a totem. But this preview has it as a totem that auto fires healing rains every so often at allies…. That sucks and could create so many problems potentially especially since acid rain is a big part of resto damage. Just make healing rain be a totem and call it a day. That would boost the spell in many ways and just be a quality of life increase.

It’s private now… what was on it I need to know! All my assumptions where from the Datamine is it will favour the Elementalist style of play.

The more I see, and the more breakdowns I read, this sounds like this expansion is turning out to be the classic “just wait”.

“It doesn’t suck, its just datamined,they’ll fix it”

“It doesn’t suck, its alpha, they’ll fix it”

“It doesn’t suck, its beta, they’ll fix it”

“It doesn’t suck, it’s open beta, they’ll fix it”

“Okay it sucks, but they’ll fix it in the first major patch”

“Okay, they didn’t fix it, but you can’t expect them to do it this late into an expansion, you’ll have to wait for a new expansion for those types of changes”


Sorry, but if Tiqqle decided to set it to private then I will respect his wishes and talk about it no further.

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WoWhead posted,

Interesting changes, hopefully it’s up and running on Alpha soon

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Hmm those were what was in the video, some did not have names. Also he seemed a bit concerned if Blizzard would see the video.

Now with it on WoWHead and all talent’s name, It should be up on the tree soon. I stop playing Enhancement, but it seems Totemic is more of a fire setup, lava lash, etc, and Stormbringer is the elemental enhancement build or more with lightning and such.

The Elemental builds are this way with Farseerer being a fire build like the current talent setup, and Stormbringer being a full lightning build.

Kinda pissed still no change into our regular tree.


Totemic is a mere afterthought, a hero spec designed for Resto.

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As resto I like totemic a lot. My primary issue is the auto fire healing rain aspect and how it will effect acid rain usage.

Still no changes to class or spec trees…. How many weeks before launch are they going to wait to give any attention to shaman I wonder?


As resto, the heck am I supposed to do with a totem casting healing rains and stuff in pvp?