SND return for Assassination

That wasn’t ad hominem

Outlaw isn’t good in PvP because of a lack of on-demand damage, pressure and various other issues. RtB is not a huge factor in that. It’s damage in general is just bad compared to Assassination and Subtlety, at least in PvP activities.

RtB hasn’t been a huge impact on our DPS since BFA, there are multiple sims that demonstrate the differences in DPS between fishing for BIS rolls, ideal rolls and not rolling at all. It is nowhere near as much as you’d expect, Outlaw surprisingly has one of the lowest DPS variance on a per-pull basis out of all the specs in the game, it’s very reliable.

The entire problem with RtB is it just feels bad to use, every time you roll and don’t get ideal buffs you’re always thinking that it could have been a better roll and you felt like you wasted your Combo Points. It’s a similar issue with getting single buffs will always feel bad because you ‘could have rolled two’. I always suggest an easy fix is to limit RtB to always rolling no more and no less than two, with some minor tweaking of the weaker buffs it would always feel like a rewarding button to press IMO.


I’ve suggested the same on several occasions and also believe it’s the best way to keep the ability while not having it be almost universally hated.

Have to agree for the most part. While Assassination needed a little more going on, I don’t think SnD was what it needed. At least not without some other mechanic to help with upkeep. I know as gear improves in Shadowlands it’ll feel a bit better but with entry level gear it almost feels like a waste. The opportunity cost feels bad for what you get in return.

It feels fine for Outlaw, honestly haven’t tried Sub.


I’ve always had an irrational distaste for SnD, it’s baked into my memory. I wouldn’t be sad to see it iterated on or removed again personally. I understand a lot of folks feel like something was missing though.

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I think we’re stuck with it because they want to give us global rogue buffs in Torghast so they need some kind of spell that covers all three specs; and they were pretty interested in getting rid of those kind of crossover spells the last time they made all the big changes.