Snarky jokes at the playerbase's expense

So, this feels to be just plain wrong/mean spirited as there is a very large number of players saying they would like tails as a worgen customization option, and then a joke like

“I showed my tail to one of those wolf people… but they just looked sad and walked away. I wonder why!”

Is added for the new race. Is the intent of things like this to intentionally mock/belittle/disparage your player base, if so, that’s…not really a good thing to do.

For reference, the thread in the GD forums about this particular topic (tails for worgen) has 10k+ posts, from easily thousands of different players saying the same thing, and the response isn’t to just communicate with them through a blue post, but instead to add a mocking voiceline in the game for the new race.

This is just…not acceptable behavior Bliz.

Give Worgen Tails ← OG topic in question.


it’s not that deep


The joke is literally at the expense of players requesting tails for worgen as a cosmetic option.


and it’s a joke poking fun at that thread
it’s not that big of a deal


I wouldn’t even go that far. Like that joke can totally even be made without knowing that thread even exists.


I dunno, I thought it was kinda funny, and I am one of those players that would love for Worgen to have tails. I giggled when I saw it. Was like “okay Blizz, you win that round.” :slight_smile: :stuck_out_tongue:


They shouldn’t be using jokes that ‘poke fun’ at swathes of the player base that have been asking for a cosmetic option for a race that is, frankly, quite lacking in the cosmetic options department.

Yet, the only context in which the ‘joke’ makes sense is in regards to that thread and request from a portion of the player base, and referencing the most viewed, and second most replied to thread on the GD. Especially at a time when bliz is making quite a few changes that are causing major friction with the community (such as the group loot thing) I think mocking any part of the community is a bad move, especially, at the current moment.


you’re making a mountain out of an anthill


And I find it hilarious 10/10. Waits for next joke.


Or in the context that worgens don’t have tails and dracthyr do.


Redoing a model to add a whole extra appendage, especially one in such a pivotal point like the middle of the model where both chests and pants will be effected by it is a lot more work than just “a cosmetic.” It’s probably on the list of things to do when they’re not trying to push this game out and the joke is harmless and funny. zzz


It’s harmless it’s not like it’s targeting anyone like the playerbase it’s literally about the worgen race in general.

If it is targeted at the player base maybe they deserve it for mocking World of Warcraft up until now and bullying the game to death. And among other negative behavior towards the game.


People have been asking for worgens to have tails since Cataclysm. This would absolutely not be at the expense of that thread alone. It might even be targeted at internal devs for all we know. Relax, it’s just a (hilarious) joke.

And I DO think worgens should have tails.


I didn’t even know there was a thread on it (I barely use the forums, I’ve posted on the forums more in the last few days than I have in the last few years). I just thought it was a goofy joke, and one of the better ones, because I remember when worgen first announced people thought they should have tails.

very much same that I rarely used it and I probably posted more today than in the last decade. lol.

It ain’t that deep.

And if it truly is? Good. Y’all need to grow thicker skin LMAO


Give worgen tail options!


Yeah, I think worgen players have a right to be annoyed by this, especially after, you know…



Not for beta forums. Might wanna try GD

Considering it’s in reference to a Dracthyr joke, in the current Beta Build, it very much so is a ‘beta thing’

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