
A pally complaining about pvp? You’re bad too, obviously… You’re probably the type to post bad Yelp reviews because your chicken nuggets weren’t to your liking…

Feel free to abstain from posting until you L2P.

I don’t have an issue with people who have constructive feedback. “This is what I feel is wrong, and here is my suggestion to fix it”. Especially if those people contribute to the forums in other capacities.

What I’m not fond of is people who have nothing to contribute besides “waaaah”. If one’s first reaction to dying in pvp is posting a QQ thread, they’re most assuredly a potato. If that same person posts the same QQ thread multiple times, he’s spamming the forums.

If they have the right to post QQ threads, then I have the right to mock them accordingly.

What? Lmao xD
Troll Paladin is literally a troll paladin

There’s some incon-VEE-nient truths that we all have to put up with. One of them is melee superiority. Another is hunters being the worst. I will give credit that BFA was a lot better and “has more chill” than Legion, but I was not happy when no real balancing was done by now. So you either reroll, QQ, or you can “git gudder at being bad”. I killed Wisp-Gilneas twice the other night, who had a +13 ilvl spread. I’m still looking for a Marks who can beat me in a legit 1v1, but the inconvenient truth is that I’ll never beat a melee at ilvl. The irony is that being the best means you suck the least, and there’s no hunter that sucks less than me that I know.

In short, this takes doing some soul searching about what you really want to get from this game. But WoW has only gotten better the more it favors the individual than the group. It’s hard for me even now to QQ from the best WoW has been or close, depending on xpac quality.

If you’re not doing well in pvp as a pally, that’s 100% user error. Don’t worry, if you keep practicing you may not suck one day. Good luck!

big ole ripperinos, but i wont press F sorry

More melee classes, more melee players hence why it will seem like that if you run into more melee than ranged.

Wow pvp has never been balanced. And it never will be. Every class and spec goes up and down, just have to wait for your turn.

I guess that is PvP for you ?