Snail mounts are overrated

There, I said it.


Gryphons and drakes are overrated.


You’re allowed your wrong opinion.


Enjoy your next horse.

Snails are different and cool.

Nobody cares about another +1 unarmored horse.


Every mount that isn’t a disk is overrated

I thought they were cool when we first recieved them back in Zereth Mortis.

Now, I feel like they’re becoming the new wolf/horse.

We have ZM snails, lava snails in different colors, rock snails in different colors, and now PvP war snails as well. And you just know there’s probably some more coming at some point.

At least they’re snails, but mount fatigue is real.

At what point do they expect players to stop collecting, or just collect forever and ever?

I already have cool mounts that are my favorites- I don’t want any more mounts as rewards lol. I just won’t use them.

I assume the same is true for most people, if they get a mount they worked for, why would they throw that away for some new easy-to-get shiny mount? Memories matter lol.

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Who hurt you?

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This TBH…

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That’s the difference between players who collect mounts to use and players that collect mounts to make number go up. I used to farm mounts for no reason other than total count but that got old.

Now the only mounts I go for are ones I very seriously plan on adding to my mount favorites list, otherwise I couldn’t care less about them. Pick your battles!

I feel like this is a larger portion of the playerbase Blizzard doesn’t realize.

I wonder how much of this stuff is just wasted development time, because players already have what they want.

Idk. They need another reward aside from mounts. More transmog sets and weapons from doing unique stuff, not mounts.

Some kind of evergreen reward people will always want to grind for. If we had player housing, this would be something like furniture. cough cough

Guess transmog is the closest thing we’ve got.

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I think they are the smoothest mounts.

Snails ftw.


I thought that they were portable bathroom mounts… that big egg-shell. It just sucks if you it gets aimed shot by a Hunter of the opposing faction. You better run! :o:

:hot_face: :cold_face:

What hyped up snails? That race movie or?

I want a flying snail. Those goblins/gnomes need to get to work.

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