Smouldering Essences 10 man - Dragonwrath

Please consider increasing the average amount of Smouldering Essences per boss by 2-3 on 10 man difficulty that way the third step of the staff questline can guaranteed be finished within 2 weeks like the Embers and Cinders portion



lol just put the staff on a vendor

Yikes, whats the % chance it takes a third week?

Lol I asked around a bit and 10 mans get just under 50% so it takes 3 weeks by < 10 essences… I guess Blizz does hate 10m for some reason.

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No, absolutely not! 10-man does not need a faster pace to make a staff. The acquisition rate is perfectly fine. If you want it done faster, do 25-man raids.

Blizz doesn’t hate 10-man; they just made it so that 10-mans take 2.5 times longer to make the staff than 25-man, which is perfectly fine.

if 25man takes 3 weeks to do the staff then 10 man should take 7.5 weeks


he is not asking for a massive increase lol, only asking for 2 or 3 more essence’s to drop. You are a feral druid no need to get all uppity about a legendary staff that you do not need.


My “calculations” are that 10 mans are 2 weeks (2 resets) behind 25 man… but again people wanted this so it’s whatever we’re dancing it at this point. I’ve seen several staffs pop up on the server and a bunch on them on inferno dungeons as well.

25m comfortably finish each part of the quest in 1 lockout. They got staffs last week (week 3)

10M won’t get a staff until week 7… requiring a whole extra week for 1 more boss kill (and then killing rag, so you dont benefit from it until week 8). Its just lame.

We’ll probably get h. rag this week. It would be nice to the staff to help prog, like it does with 25m.

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It taking 2.5 times longer to complete the staff in 10man vs 25 man when 25man has 2.5x more players and 3-4x more casters.

on average 10man has 3 casters 3x7.5 = 22.5 weeks
on average 25man has 10 casters 3x10 = 30 weeks

So guess what 10man will make 3 staffs for all 3 of there caster dps before a 25man is able to make every caster there staff.

Lol ill have my orange staff next week.

congrats for spending millions of gold on a weapon you won’t ever use


I’ve seen plenty of 25 man groups getting their first staff already (and most likely working on their 2nd and 3rd even) I have to yet see one from 10 man… it was expected but I thought the difference wasnt this huge… it’s something to remark regardless not to change not like this devs are going to do anything anymore for this tier or raid anyway.

if by millions you mean the cost of sands of time? which was like what 12,000g? Thanks

Yes my guild is on there what 4th one
You should have always have someone start the quest when the person ahead of them completes the that step and move forward. This way you have 3 in process at all times.

It is not that big of a difference since 25man has 2.5 times the players and 3 times the casters on average

it taking 10man 7.5 weeks to make the staff is not a that big of a difference it is actually on par with being 2.5 times slower then 25man if 25man takes 3 weeks to complete.
3x2.5= 7.5 weeks.

These 10 man players want it to be the same speed as 25man to make it “fair” in there eyes but they cant comprehend that basic logic.

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Simply not true.

It can take a min of 3 weeks to complete the staff in 25man in full clears at the very least. But RNG does play a part in this.

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also this isn’t true. the devs themselves literally said within a 12 week period you would make between 7.5-11.25 staves so you’d easily have 10 staves well before 30 weeks.

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Lol yeah whats the median of 7.5 -11.25? thats 9.375 staffs in 12 weeks If 1 person completes each part each week this is how many staff will be done in 12 weeks

Week 1 - 1st person completes embers
Week 2 - 1st person completes cinders and 2nd person completes embers
Week 3 - 1st person completes esseccess and get HoR (staff is done) 2nd person completes cinders 3rd person completes embers
Week 4 2nd staff is completed
Week 5 3rd staff
week 6 4th staff
week 7 5th staff
Week 8 6th staff
Week 9 7th staff
Week 10 8th staff
Week 11 9th staff
Week 12 10s staff

10m players never happy.


They want to be treated the same as 25man but dont understand how that would really effect raiding.

If 10man raids dropped equal parts of loot as 25man
Knowbody would run 25man.
10man is far easier then 25man raiding.

everyone in your 10m will have a staff by the time DS comes out. Same with 25m, it’s just a lot more people in a 25 man so we’re getting it faster. But you will get yours and so will all the range in your 10m if you just do the work. It’s not like 25 man stops at 3 staves like your 10m will if you had the same rate. So yeah, a 25m will get to 3 staves faster than a 10m but a 25m isn’t there with just 3 staves, they will be logging on every reset just like your 10m to get all their range a staff.

Both options everyone should get their staff.

The only raid option beating either one is a 25m raid team that is crazy melee heavy. At which point the drop rates on the staff mean nothing to them.

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The army of trolls come in to turn this into a 10 vs 25 man, of course. Lol.

This topic had nothing to do with 25m. 10M guilds end up with 24x/250 souls after 2 weeks, and that is just lame.

Please buff by legit 1 soul per boss on 10M so it doesnt take a whole extra full clear per staff.


Man all you do is cry about 10m loot.

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