<smooth brained> Mid-Mythic raid team startup LFM! T/Th 8:00-11:30EST

Half of a 2/8M Mythic group from Proudmoore has transferred to Illidan and is starting a raid team with the reachable goal of 5/8M this season, and CE in seasons to come. If you are an individual looking to prove yourself in Mythic raiding, or especially a group looking for a team with the flexibility to include all members, please reach out.

The group has taken many forms over recent expansions, but what has remained the same has been the close group of friends at its center. We’ve always tried to build groups of people that enjoy playing together while capably killing bosses.

At this time, we have a need for all roles. AOTC and 2400+ preferred. Contact the following individuals with your interest, and include logs from a relevant tier if you have them.


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bump! LF a potential Healing lead as well

I just transferred to Illidan to get into Raiding primarily, Mythic raiding the is, I do M+ as a means to an end but Raiding is really my obective…let me know if you have need for Ranged

Wrong char btw its my hunter as main