Antiheals - human priest
Guild - Cobra Commandos
Sauceboss? Corkie? Any of the old boys!
Btag leetpks#1864
Antiheals - human priest
Guild - Cobra Commandos
Sauceboss? Corkie? Any of the old boys!
Btag leetpks#1864
Anyone seen/heard/remember Mudflap? Alliance warrior?
Bmilla, gnome mage
Anyone left from Trans – We will be playing Horde side on Stalagg. There are 36 of us in a disc server, about 15 serious the rest casual, most of the core guild back.
My character’s name: Burrnn, or Burnn, or Burrn (can’t remember the exact spelling).
Level and Class: Level 29 human mage
Guild: Hard Target
Server: Smolderthorn
I was the Guild Master of Hard Target.
The character names of other characters I’m hoping to reconnect with:
Mactar (level 29 gnome warrior who was in the same guild).
Blackopp (level 29 gnome rogue who was in the same guild).
Persnickety NE Druid
Guild: Euphoric Wrath, Wicked Righteousness, Dead but Happy, Malignant, Deviants & Beyond Reckoning.
My Husband played EU, WR and Malignant (and I think BR as well) with me. he was a Human Paladin Mongaloid, but had to change his name but neither of us can remember to what.
Looking for anybody from back then, but there was a Warrior we used to do arenas with toon name started with a T… Tuldum? something like that…
Aeriss - Human Mage
Guild - Art of Warfare
Adas, Night Elf Hunter
Guild: Angels Reborn
Probably was Tuldaim he was the Main Tank for Malignant and came from Wicked Righteousness
Name - Airathain
Human warrior
Guild- Cataclysm
TBC Guild- Volta
Looking for Arcimedes , Beeo, Buttchucklez, Itsajackal, Rashean
discord ID- Jd#9317
Name - Discostooge
Dwarf Rogue
Guild(s) Ostralyan Pain, Immortality
Rolling new toons on Arugal (Oce) for Classic!
I remember running UBRS with Mudflap a couple times!! Haven’t heard that name is years.
Your name looks super familiar… were you in Vengeful Fury?
Subjektive NE hunter, forgot the guild i was in.
Characters: Dynamene, Califia
Guilds: LastHope, Unstoppables
Currently an officer in DragonCrest. Some of us will be forming an unofficial classic guild. Contact me in Discord - Mercury#2552.
Name: Forgiveness
Guild: Malignant
Switched to Horde part of the way through BC as the UD mage Defrath, but my classic existence was on Alliance. Nostalgic to see some of these old names.
Name - Blackmomba
Human Female Rogue
Guild - Exo
Pretty sure you part of my first guild on smolderthorn I played a NE Rogue with the same name I’m posting with. Honestly not sure though its been so bloody long.
Hello there old friends . Good times we had in Blackrock Mountain. Hoping to meet up with some old rivals again for some good company .
Name - Blazhin
NE Rogue
Guild - Exo