im SHREDDING people, literally whoever i target will be dead if i reach them, im not even doing good damage by the end, but im winning every “fight” in some way.
kept seeing vids claiming it was boring or not good, im tunnel vision slaughtering whoever i want with full commitment and coming out on top more often than not.
i knnow this is warrior as a whole, but slayer just really speeds up the process, noticeably.
this is all in reference to team fighting engagements really, i only run in on my own for personal reasons.
also i hate buttons/z???/BRINGBACK PLUNDERSTORM
What does smf have to do with this. TG slayer will do the exact same thing but better.
And the damage is lower with one handers, it comes in as a net negative.
As Battlecruisr said TG is gonna do it better.
yeah i dont care about big numbers when the people i want to kill become killed by me, quickly.
“im having fun with smf :)”
Performance is really a secondary factor to the fact that the weapons you use don’t have an impact on furys playstyle. It’s almost like saying I have more fun on hpal/shaman when I use a book offhand instead of a shield. There’s literally no playstle difference.
Now it’s possible that they find smf more visually appealing (I do too) and derive fun from that, but they made no mention of that and instead focused on performance. If performance is the motivator, there’s no reason to pick smf.
So for pvp the faster attack speed can mean more chances to keep urself alive with bloodthirst or victory rush no?
Wouldnt that offset thr increase stamina u get from two handers?
Just a question not trying to be smart
Also how much of a difference is smf to two handers is this meta talk where its like a 5% lose or like huge 30% or more difference?
I really wish we had a glyph of smf instead so i can just transmog my weapons how i want instead of worrying about my damage.
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Attack speed has no baring on the effect or cooldown of these abilities. They will be the same regardless of wielding 1H or 2H Weapons.
As players have said, there is no rotational or playstyle change by choosing SMF. It plays the exact same (Rage Generation included) as TG.
In PvE the loss during Dragonflight was roughly 3%. More people would have rotational mistakes that would cause more of a defecit than choosing to play SMF.
That being said a large portion of just playing TG is the extra stamina which cannot be understated.
No, the attack speed is only for auto attacks, the global cooldown (GCD) is what impacts how fast abilities can be used. The GCD is lowered by haste so the higher stats on Two handers can potentially mean a lower GCD than what One handers can achieve.
Another aspect to this is the Stamina increase from having Two handers also means that both BT and VR heal you for more as both are % based so more stamina= more effective HP being healed per BT/VR.
No worries, most of us just try to help out others by explaining misconceptions and correcting misinformation so everyone’s better equipped to play optimally should they want to.
Sims for TWW just became available last night so I don’t have exact numbers for the current tier but to give you a general idea during season 3 of Dragonflight SMF was between a ~6-12% loss depending on if you had Fyralath or not.
It’s not huge difference and you’d be able get Cutting Edge with SMF but it is a good margin behind so I wouldn’t recommend it.
SMF would honestly be in such a better place if:
- It didn’t cost a talent point
- You got an x% increase to stat and secondary stats from all sources
This would help it feel more like a choice because you’re not dropping a talent point into what’s inherently inferior to what you get baseline, and now you get extra stats from your entire gear set to help alleviate the lower stats from dual wielding 1h vs 2h weapons.
Extra stat gain would likely introduce a point in the future where smf and tg start flipflopping in which one is better and then people start carrying around 4 weapons for different scenarios, which is arguably worse than smf just being nonexistent.
If they wanted to balance SMF, they could just have a passive that directly increases the stats and weapon dps provided by 1h weapons to match that of 2h weapons. I wish they would do something like this because it would allow main handing a 2h and off handing a 1h without penalty. Though with cantrip weapons, the high end players would still probably end up carrying around a bunch of weapons.
Now it’s possible that they find smf more visually appealing (I do too) and derive fun from that, but they made no mention of that and instead focused on performance. If performance is the motivator, there’s no reason to pick smf.
Visual appeal means nothing, and if it wasn’t a talent, I wouldnt play fury
number nerds will never understand
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Numbers are literally higher with TG
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they should make TG a talent for all the people who don’t know what fury means
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Given your constant missing of the point, I don’t think you understand what fury means.
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Honestly all of this would go away if they just added a glyph for warriors to let us transmog one handers over two handers. Just like that no worry about numbers and no worries about carrying 4 weapons at a time.
fu·ry [ˈfyu̇r-ē ]
[Synonyms of fury ]
: intense, disordered, and often destructive rage
capitalized : any of the avenging deities in Greek mythology who torment criminals and inflict plagues
: an avenging spirit
: one who resembles an avenging spirit
especially : a spiteful woman
: extreme fierceness or violence
: a state of inspired exaltation :
Given your constant missing of the point, I don’t think you understand what fury means.
the point is you are all stuck in some weird mental problem where you are upset that SMF exists, where as, I believe it is the true purpose of the spec, thematically.
keep whining about numbers forever though, very cool and fun 2 read.
I think we’re all upset that it isn’t worth playing
Since you seemed to have missed it (again), this is how Blizzard defines it (which is the only relevant definition in this discussion):
A furious dual-wielding berserker unleashing a flurry of attacks to carve their opponents to pieces. **Preferred Weapons: Dual Two-Handed Axes, Maces, Swords**
[Warrior (](