SMF needs to be baseline

5% speed boost makes it almost useable but it needs to be baseline to free up the 2 points it now requires. It really shouldn’t be removed. There’s no reason to shrink the amount of playstyles offered.

1H fury needs resurrected


Even baseline, it still wouldn’t be played except as a meme. IDK how they saw smf as a passive 12% damage boost (that nobody used because it was still 3% behind and you lost a massive amount of health) and decided, lets make it a talent at 5%. It was dead immediately.

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it’s dead because you lose stats and 2 talent points. I played it the first half of this pvp season anyway and the 5% ms was nice.

It would be less dead than it is now if those two talents were baseline. Then it’s really only the hp loss for move speed at that point. I bet more people would play it if it was just an hp for ms trade.

Too many people saying to remove it entirely. They pruned all specs in the last two expansions for a reason… no one liked the cookie cutter approach.

5% movement speed is basically nothing

I mean with all speed chants and all the talents you run 30%

Could be you battle

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“SPEED IS KING” - Ka’roz the Locust.

you have to spend a talent just to make it “on par” with titan’s grip, leaving you permanently a talent point down as long as you use it.

*I say “on par” as that is what it should be, but it doesn’t even do that.