Small Group LF CE Gaming 4/8M

As the title says, group of people looking for a CE oriented guild. Currently 4/8M with 100 pulls on Brood (20%)

Would prefer times beyond 8pm EST, Tuesday-Thurs

Classes are Boomkin, Warlock, Spriest, Holy/Disc Priest, Rogue, Mage, and a switch gamer that has dk/warrior/enhance/pally/survival
We parse, pump, and play to win, keep up with our characters and do our homework

Send me your info or your applications, much appreciated.

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Hey send add me to discord- deadict i feel luke wed be a great fit

Hey, wanted to reach out and see if you had found a home yet. Our guild name is Demure we are currently 3/8M with prog on rash down to about 10% our raid times are Tues/Wed 9pm - 12am EST.
Heres our forums post if you would like to look through it Demure(3/8M) - Cutting Edge Progression Guild Recruiting Healers & DPS!

Coup is a Mythic progression and Mythic+ focused guild. At minimum we reach AOTC early, and prog mythic from there.

Raid Times:
Tuesday & Wednesday : 8-11pm EST/Server

Friday: We usually have something optional going on Fridays. Early in the tier we use Friday as an extra, optional, progression day or alt raid runs / Timewalking raids etc.

We are currently 8/8H and 4/8M, progging on Ovi

You can reach out on discord - mynx. (lowercase w/a period a the end) or Otterpop#11146

Have a great week :slight_smile:

Hey Vale. I’d love to chat and see about your logs. Currently progging Princess atm. Add my discord Drak.

Hello! I am Nakkita, lead recruiter for Eclipsed on Stormrage…Team Voyager, is looking for solid DPS for the team…they are 3/8M with a focus on CE…if you are all available to raid Wednesday’s and Monday’s from 8-11pm EST and are interested please contact me at my Discord: nakkita76 thank you

To the top - still looking